Want to Install Dentures ? Here are the Things You Must Do It is known About Dentures , Types, Benefits, and Procedures

Want to Install Dentures ? Here are the Things You Must Do It is known About Dentures , Types, Benefits, and Procedures

Want to Install Dentures ? Here are the Things You Must Do It is known About Dentures , Types, Benefits, and Procedures

Denture​ is tool prosthetics used​ For replace missing teeth , help​ return function chewing , talking, and increase appearance . Here is information complete about tooth imitation .

Types of Dentures

  1. Denture​ Release
    • Partial : Replace a number of missing teeth , can​ removed and installed return .
    • Complete : Replaces all over teeth on the jaw up , down , or both of them .
  2. Denture​ Permanent
    • Dental Implants : Tooth Roots artificial implant implanted in bone jaw , with crown teeth above it .
    • Bridge ( Dental Bridge ) : Replaces One or a number of teeth , with tooth neighbor as buffer .
    • Crown (Crown) : Covers broken tooth​ For repair form and function .

Benefits of Dentures

  • Return function chewing and talking .
  • Repair aesthetics and increase a sense of trust self .
  • Prevent change structure jaw consequence lost tooth .
  • Protect teeth that are still There is from pressure excessive .


Procedure Installation

  1. Initial
    Examination The doctor examines condition mouth , teeth and bones jaw use Photo X-ray .
  2. Dental
    Impression Mold made For ensure tooth imitation in accordance with form mouth patient .
  3. Denture Making This process
     eat 2–3 weeks in the laboratory .
  4. Denture Installation
    ​ tested For comfort and adjustment before installed in a way permanent .
  5. Maintenance Patient Follow-up
     need guard cleanliness tooth imitation and do routine check to doctor .


Denture Care​

  • Clean up tooth imitation every day with cleaner special .
  • Avoid pressure excessive For prevent damage .
  • Do routine check up to doctor tooth every six month .


Factors that Influence Ability Patient Installing Dentures​

  1. Condition Gums and Bones Jaw
    • For implant teeth , patient must own bone enough jaw​ strong and healthy For support implant .
    • If the gums experience inflammation or infections , such as periodontitis, installation tooth imitation must postponed until problem resolved .
  2. General Health of the Patient
    • Disease systemic like diabetes that is not controlled , disturbance freezing blood , or osteoporosis can affect the healing process after installation tooth artificial , especially on implants ​.
  3. Cleanliness Bad Mouth
    • Cleanliness bad mouth​ can increase risk infection in patients with tooth imitation .
  4. Anatomy The Complex Mouth
    • A number of condition like jaw that is not symmetrical or lack bone jaw need maintenance additional , such as graft bone before installation tooth imitation .
  5. Age Patient
    • Although No There is limitation age , patient children or teenager Possible Not yet suitable For implant Because bone jaw they Still develop .


Denture​ offer solution for individual who lost tooth For return enjoy function mouth optimally and improve quality life . Good and regular care can extend age use tooth imitation as well as prevent complications in the cavity mouth . Make sure For consult with a Specialist Dentist Prosthodontics at Hermina OPI Jakabaring Hospital For choose the appropriate type with need .


Source :
https://www.loris.id/gigi-palsu- tujuan-dan-prosedurnya/

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