5 Steps to Speed Up Wound Healing

5 Steps to Speed Up Wound Healing

Almost everyone has experienced a wound injury. Acute wounds can occur due to an injury to the body, such as being cut by a knife, hit by broken glass, stabbed by a thorn, burned by hot water/fire or hit by a hard object. The severity of the injury depends on the location, type and severity of the injury.
Common types of injuries are cuts, lacerations or abrasions, there are also bruises and burns. Different types of wounds can have different wound treatments. Although the initial treatment of cleaning the wound and temporary wound care can be done by everyone.
But sometimes many people do not perform the initial wound cleaning stage or leave the wound open without treatment, this can lead to complications due to bacterial infection which can cause festering wounds, therefore, it is important to know the stages of wound care to avoid complications and help the wound healing process.
If you see a wound on yourself or someone else, there are several first aid measures you can take:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly

The first step in treating an open wound is to wash your hands thoroughly. It is important to do this before touching the wound so that your hands do not contain bacteria that can cause infection in the wound.

2. Stop the bleeding

Bleeding from small wounds usually stops on its own, but if the bleeding still continues, apply pressure to the wound with a bandage or clean cloth. Do this until the bleeding stops.

3. Clean the wound

If there are still foreign objects such as sand or dirt in the wound, wash the wound with running water and remove the dirt. This stage may cause pain, so clean slowly until the dirt is no longer visible. Also clean the skin around the wound with soap, but do not let it come into contact with the wound.

4. Apply antiseptic to the wound

Antiseptics in the form of gel / cream / ointment are effective in preventing infection and accelerating wound healing. Antiseptics can be used as first aid for scratches, abrasions or minor burns.

5. Cover the wound

The next step is to cover the wound with a bandage or gauze. This is done to keep the wound clean, maintain moisture to speed up wound healing, and prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

In addition to the acute wound management described above, there are also chronic wounds such as diabetic wounds, wounds caused by varicose veins, wounds caused by blockage of arteries, and others that need comprehensive treatment. Some additional tips on accelerating the healing of chronic wounds from Dr. Chandra Aquino Tambunan, Sp.B., FINACS, FICS, M.H., C.Med, a surgeon at Hermina Hospital Pekalongan:

1.The need for the patient's enthusiasm and belief in recovery in every prayer.
2.Proper wound care using the "TIMERS" method.
3.Eating a nutritious and balanced diet, especially protein as a substance that helps the cell regeneration process.
4.Control comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, vascular disorders, allergic factors, and daily habits that hinder the wound healing process such as: lack of foot hygiene, irregular medication, etc.
5.Minimize mental stress, and avoid targeting the time for the wound to close, because in fact the healing process will continue when the steps mentioned above have been taken.

If you see signs of wound infection, such as severe pain and pus, red and swollen wounds, or chronic wounds that need wound care, contact your doctor immediately for proper treatment. Immediately consult your health with a doctor at RS Hermina Pekalongan.

Tong, et al. (2018). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Use of Prophylactic Topical Antibiotics for the Prevention of Uncomplicated Wound Infections. Infection and Drug Resistance, 11, doi: 10.2147/IDR.S151293.
Mayo Clinic (2021). Cuts and scrapes: First Aid.
Web MD. Accessed on 2024. Wound Care.
Dr. Chandra Aquino Tambunan, Sp.B., FINACS., FICS., M.H., C.Med. 2024. www.instagram.com/p/C7GgI9BxOqG/?igsh=MWcxejZkNnBwb3NmZg%3D%3D&img_index=2


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