
This is Handling Post-Immunization Fever in Children

Fever after immunization often occurs and is still a problem for parents. Sometimes this fever is the reason why parents are lazy about getting their children immunized, because they are afraid that the child will have a fever. Actually, there is no need to worry about this as long as parents understand how to treat fever after immunization.
Immunization is an important procedure to do so that children are able to face disease-carrying viruses. Immunization will make a child's immunity stronger compared to children without immunization. Hermina's friends don't need to worry that their child will experience a fever after immunization, because this is a normal thing.


Why do children have fever after immunization?
Post-immunization fever is actually a normal response from the body. This means that the child's body is carrying out defense mechanisms, namely by responding to the incoming vaccine. The child's immune system recognizes the vaccine as a foreign object, namely a virus or bacteria that causes infection.
In this way, the child's immune system will be formed and understand how to fight diseases caused by viruses similar to those in which the vaccine is administered. So as long as the child's fever is still normal, there is no need to worry too much because fever is a side effect that shows a positive response from the child's body. Just understand how to treat fever after immunization to treat your child's fever.


Tips for Handling Post-Immunization Fever in Children
As a parent, you don't need to worry too much if your child experiences a fever after immunization because this is the body's natural reaction when a foreign object enters. Fever after immunization is not dangerous as long as it is treated properly. The following are tips for handling fever after immunization that parents can do:
1. Increase Drinking
Fever is closely related to human body temperature. When a child has a fever or increases body temperature, body fluids will evaporate more quickly. As a result, children will easily become dehydrated. Dehydration will be dangerous if not treated immediately; therefore, increase the provision of drinking either breast milk or water to children who have a fever after immunization to reduce the temperature and avoid dehydration.
2. Wear thin and comfortable clothes.
The assumption that is often wrong is that when a child is sick, they always wear warm clothes so that the child is comfortable. But this is not appropriate if a child has a fever, a child with a fever actually needs thin clothing, not layers because it will hinder the process of releasing heat from the body. Wearing thin, sleeveless clothes means the child's body temperature will stabilize more quickly because body heat can escape more easily.
3. Compress with warm water in the injection area
For children who receive immunization by injection, compress the injection area. A warm compress on the injection will relax the muscles and reduce pain in the area where the immunization injection was made.

4. Cold compress
To help lower the child's body temperature, apply a cold compress to the child's body. Place a cold compress on the armpit, which is often the center of fever. Apart from the armpits, other body folds, such as the thighs, can also be given cold compresses so that the child's fever does not increase. A cold compress also needs to be given to the child's forehead to protect the head and the organs inside from getting too hot.
5. Give fever-reducing medication if necessary.
If your child's body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius, then it's time to give him fever-reducing medication. Usually the doctor will give fever-reducing medication with advice on drinking if necessary. So, read the rules for using medication carefully so that you don't use excessive medication so that your child's body temperature can be normal.
6. Monitor body temperature
Continue to monitor your child's body temperature after immunization using a thermometer at home. Check the child's temperature periodically after taking fever-reducing medication. Check your body temperature after 30 minutes of administering the drug. Then continue to check the child's body temperature every few hours as a form of control.
7. Get enough rest.
When your child has a fever, make sure they get enough rest. The body needs a lot of energy to overcome fever, so children need enough rest so that their energy does not run out further, which can result in weakness. When children have a fever, they usually sleep longer. It's best not to disturb them because the body is undergoing a healing process.
8. Set the room temperature.
Don't forget to adjust the room temperature so that your child can rest comfortably. When a child has a fever, he will be more sensitive to the surrounding temperature. If using AC, make sure the bedroom temperature is not too cold so that the child does not shiver. If you use a fan, do not direct the fan directly at the child's body.
Actually, not all immunizations cause fever; DPT immunization is the immunization that most often causes fever. In rare cases of fever, children are also found to have high fever and seizures. However, as long as parents know how to handle it properly, the risk of high fever and seizures will not occur. If the fever continues, you should immediately consult the child's condition with a pediatrician at Hermina Sukabumi Hospital.




NCBI (2019). Fever in children: Overview.

Barbi, et al. Fever in Children: Pearls and Pitfalls. Children. 2017. 4(9), pp. 81.
