This Is The Importance of Increasing Self Awareness Against Tartar!

This Is The Importance of Increasing Self Awareness Against Tartar!

Before discussing what tartar is, we need to know two terms. The first term is dental plaque and the second is tartar. Dental plaque is a soft deposit resulting from a mixture of microorganisms or bacteria in the oral cavity with the rest of the food we eat and also with the proteins in saliva. This dental plaque will stick to the surface of the teeth, the surface of the dentures used, and the fillings. Tartar is a continuation of dental plaque, which is a hard deposit resulting from mineralization or hardening of dental plaque, usually starting on the first day to the 14th since the formation of dental plaque.

Causes of the formation of dental plaque & tartar:

Local factors are factors that do exist in the condition of the patient's oral cavity
In patients with an irregular arrangement of teeth, it will be easy for plaque to accumulate and difficult to clean

Teeth that have been extracted and not replaced. Teeth that have been extracted will cause the surrounding teeth to tilt or shift. If there are tilted teeth or shifted teeth, eventually it is easy to retain food residue on the teeth.
Stirrup or braces will be an excellent medium for sticky dental plaque. So, for patients who use stirrup or braces must be extra in cleaning their teeth.

Habit Factor. For this habit factor comes from the patient's own habits.
Rarely brush your teeth or brush your teeth in an incorrect way. The rules for brushing your teeth are recommended at least 2 times a day after breakfast and before going to bed, for the duration of brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes.
Chew on one side only. When doing mastication there will be stimulation & stimulation for the release of saliva / saliva. Saliva functions as a natural cleanser of food debris. The side that is not used for chewing will result in more plaque and tartar buildup due to the absence of salivary stimulation.
Breathing through the mouth will make the oral cavity drier.
How to prevent accumulation of dental plaque and the formation of tartar

Brush your teeth 2x a day properly
Use dental floss / dental floss to remove dental plaque in the area between the teeth

Use toothpaste especially one that contains fluoride
You can't remove tartar at home, but you can go to the dentist to do tartar cleaning or what is commonly called scaling. Scaling is a non-invasive treatment where it works using mechanical vibrations. It is recommended to do tartar cleaning every 6 months.
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