Recent Surgical Innovation - Laparoscopic Appendicectomy

Recent Surgical Innovation - Laparoscopic Appendicectomy

The appendix, also known as the appendix, is a small organ located at the right end below the large intestine. The appendix is shaped like a radius with a length of 5 to 10 cm and a sac-like shape attached to the large intestine. It is still not fully understood what its exact function is; in some cases, people can live without an appendix without significant impact on health.

An inflamed appendix is called appendicitis. Appendicitis is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention or treatment. If the appendix becomes inflamed, it can cause a blockage, which results in swelling and can be fatal if left untreated.

To treat appendicitis, surgery can be performed using open surgery or laparoscopic techniques. Laparoscopy itself is a tool in the form of a long tube equipped with a small camera and a light at the end.


How is laparoscopic appendicectomy performed?

The surgeon will make an incision near the belly button and insert a small device called a port. The port creates an opening that the surgeon can use to fill the stomach with gas, thus creating space to perform the surgery. Next, a small camera is inserted through the port. The camera shows the operation on a screen in the operating room. The doctor can then clearly see the organs in the abdomen and make it easier to remove the appendix.


Advantages of Laparoscopic Appendicectomy

The advantages of laparoscopic appendicectomy are:

  • A small incision is minimally invasive, causes less pain, and requires a quick recovery time, whereas an open appendicectomy requires a large incision and a long recovery time.


  • Laparoscopic surgery involves the use of small instruments and cameras inserted through a small incision, while open appendicectomy involves a larger incision in the appendix area.


RS Hermina Bogor has doctors who are competent and qualified to perform this laparoscopic surgery. If you want to have a consultation or surgery with minimal wounds and get back to your activities quickly, Immediately consult with our surgeons at RS Hermina Bogor.

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