
Insemination or IVF? The right choice for picking up your little one

For married couples, having children is a dream. However, not all lucky married couples make this dream come true. Because there are some couples who have fertilization or fertility problems which can be an obstacle to having a baby.

Currently the medical world has become more advanced, planning a pregnancy program can be assisted with the help of technology including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). What are the differences between insemination and IVF? Let's find out.

What is Artificial Insemination and IVF?

Artificial insemination and IVF are two medical methods for dealing with infertility, namely when a woman does not get pregnant even though she has regular sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week without using contraception.

These two methods of therapy are recommended by obstetricians and fertility consultants if a couple is having difficulty getting pregnant or has fertility problems. Both IVF and artificial insemination are two types of procedures that are widely recommended and undertaken by couples to have a baby.


Intra Uterine Insemination (IIU)

Intrauterine Insemination (IIU) or artificial insemination is a method of assisted reproduction for patients who have fertility problems, but want to get pregnant. In principle, artificial insemination will bring sperm closer to the egg by spraying it into the uterus through the vaginal canal.

To increase success, before insemination is carried out, the sperm will go through a "washing" process first and those with the best movement will be selected. Insemination is carried out during ovulation or when the ovaries are mature and ready to be fertilized. Sperm that are sprayed into the uterus will swim towards the fallopian tubes to meet mature egg cells so that fertilization occurs, causing pregnancy.

When is Insemination Done?

Unexplain infertility
Mild endometriosis
Disorders in the cervix
Mild infertility in men (subfertile)
Anti-sperm antibodies (rare): vaginal redness, feeling hot and swollen
Determining factors for successful insemination

Insemination increases the chance of getting pregnant by 10-20%. The success of insemination is determined by several conditions, including:

Age: The younger you are in the insemination program. The higher the success rate.
The period of infertility or infertility occurs relatively quickly
History of pelvic inflammation due to infection
Selection of drugs to enlarge egg cells
Determining the time of insemination is based on the time of ovulation
Sperm quality


Test-tube baby

Test tube babies or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology that brings together egg and sperm cells outside the body. Next, the embryo that has been formed after the fertilization process will be inserted back into the mother's womb so that it can develop as in pregnancy

generally. With the following steps:

Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (fertility)
Egg harvest and sperm preparation
ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) = fertilization outside the body
Embryo incubation 3-5 days
Embryo transfer
When is IVF performed?


Tubal damage
Unexplain infertility
Moderate – severe endometriosis
Cervical factor / antisperm antibodies
Hormonal disorders that do not work with ordinary fertility drugs

Total number of motile sperm < 1 million or none at all (azoospermy) – indication of ICSI
Total number of motile sperm > 1 and < 10 million; duration of infertility > 2 years
Total number of motile sperm > 10 million, treated as unexplained infertility
Determining Factors for the Success of IVF

Using the IVF method can increase the chance of getting pregnant by 20-40%. The success of IVF is determined by  several factors, including:

Success will be good if the IVF procedure is carried out at the age of under 35 years. The chance of pregnancy will decrease with increasing age.

Causes of infertility
Apart from patient-related factors, the success of IVF is also determined by the quality of the Embryology Laboratory and the doctor's experience in conducting evaluations before IVF, the ovarian stimulation protocol chosen, and determining the timing of egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

So, now Friends of Hermina know the difference between artificial insemination and IVF.

To find out what method is better, you and your partner should consult with a Fertility Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Hermina Hospital Bekasi.

Download the Halo Hermina application  to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital.
