Insomnia Or Trouble Sleeping? Do the following procedure

Insomnia Or Trouble Sleeping? Do the following procedure

Almost all humans in the world have experienced complaints of difficulty sleeping or insomnia. Some of the risk factors thought to be involved include female gender, old age, comorbid medical conditions, psychiatric disorders, drugs, and lifestyle factors such as coffee consumption, smoking and lack of exercise.

Sleep hygiene is a sleep disorder treatment that effectively reduces behaviors that can affect sleep or make a person easy to wake up, including:

A. A comfortable bedroom
Simple changes to your bedroom can have a big impact. Examples:
- Make the bed every morning
- Tidy up the room from piles of dirty clothes
- Replace mattresses every 10 years and pillows every 3 years
- As quiet as possible, as dark as possible: use blinds, avoid tv, computer, other light sources. Move pets out of the room.
- Set room temperature at night: ideal 15-22 degrees Celsius
- Use the bed only for sleeping. It doesn't last long if you can't sleep.
- Prepare a flashlight so you don't have to turn on the light when you go to the bathroom

B. Limit Stimulants
Consuming more and more caffeine (in coffee, tea, chocolate) can result in difficulty sleeping because the wakefulness effect is greater. Limit the amount especially during the afternoon and evening.

C. Must Be Consistent
There is no quality activity other than being done consistently. Plan your work time, exercise, especially your sleep (on weekdays and weekends) regularly.

Apart from applying the methods above, make sure you also apply other healthy lifestyles, such as consuming nutritious food and exercising regularly so you can sleep better at night. If sleep hygiene has been done but the sleep is not of good quality. Consult a doctor to get a better examination and treatment. The doctor will look for the underlying cause of your sleeplessness, then determine the right treatment according to your condition.

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