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Complete Schedule of Immunization for Children by Age

Parents must pay attention to the provision of complete  immunization for their children.  immunization is an important step in building a child's immunity to prevent the transmission of dangerous diseases and outbreaks, and to help the child avoid frequent illnesses. Complete  immunization includes several types of vaccines, such as polio, BCG, DPT, and others.

What is Immunization?

 immunization is the process of administering vaccines to build immunity against certain diseases in infants and children. Through  immunization, a child's body is introduced to weakened or killed germs or viruses, allowing the body to recognize and fight these germs if an infection occurs later.  immunization is crucial to be carried out from birth to protect them from various dangerous diseases that can cause disability or death.

Immunization Schedule

Immunizations must be given according to the schedule set by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and the Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI). Here is the complete  immunization schedule to follow:

Age 0–6 Months:

  • Hepatitis B: 24 hours after birth, then at 2, 3, and 4 months. Booster at 18 months.

  • DPT: At 2, 3, and 4 months. Booster at 18 months and 5–7 years.

  • BCG: At 0–1 month.

  • HiB: At 2, 3, and 4 months. Booster at 18 months.

  • Polio: Given orally at birth until 1 month. Injected twice before 1 year, and orally or injected at 2, 3, and 4 months.

  • PCV: At 2, 4, and 6 months. Booster at 12–15 months.

  • Rotavirus: Twice (monovalen vaccine) at 6 and 10 weeks, or three times (pentavalen vaccine) at 6–12 weeks, 14–18 weeks, and 22–26 weeks.

Age 6–12 Months:

  • Influenza: At 6 months and every year until 18 years.

  • Japanese Encephalitis (JE): At 9 months, booster at 2–3 years.

  • MMR: At 9 months, booster at 18 months or 5–7 years.

Age 12–24 Months:

  • Hepatitis A: Twice, starting at 12 months and 6–12 months later.

  • Varicella: Twice, at 12–18 months, with a gap of 6 weeks to 3 months.

Age 2–18 Years:

  • Typhoid: At 2 years, repeated every 3 years from 5–18 years.

  • Dengue: Three times between 9–16 years, with 6 months interval between doses.

  • HPV: Twice for girls aged 9–14 years, with 6–15 months interval between doses.

Types of Complete Immunization

Some  immunizations that must be given include:

  • Polio: To prevent paralysis caused by polio.

  • Hepatitis B: To prevent hepatitis B.

  • BCG: To prevent TB (tuberculosis) which can lead to meningitis.

  • HiB: To prevent diseases caused by the Haemophilus influenzae type B virus, such as meningitis and pneumonia.

  • DPT: To prevent diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus.

  • MMR: To prevent mumps, measles, and rubella.

  • Rotavirus: To prevent digestive disorders.

  • PCV: To prevent bacterial infections that cause pneumonia.

Don't delay any longer! Make sure your child receives complete  immunization at Hermina Podomoro Hospital to protect them from various dangerous diseases. Visit Hermina Podomoro Hospital and consult the immunization schedule for your child with a pediatric specialist.



  1. Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI). "Jadwal Imunisasi Anak." Accessed from: [](

  2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. "Pedoman Pelaksanaan Imunisasi." Accessed from: [](

  3. World Health Organization (WHO). "Immunization." Accessed from: [](
