Keep Your Body Hydrated While Fasting
Fasting has an impact on our body fluid levels. It is important for Sahabat Hermina to maintain the balance of body fluids to stay hydrated during the fasting month. Here's how to maintain body fluids and prevent dehydration while fasting.
Dehydration is a condition where a person loses excess body fluids which can cause various health problems. Dehydration can occur at any time, including while fasting due to changes in diet. Therefore, it is important for us to know how to prevent dehydration while fasting.
Dehydration is also a condition that is prone to occur while fasting, especially if you do not manage your eating and drinking patterns properly. This condition can cause health problems, such as seizures due to electrolyte balance disorders, urinary tract infections, and disorders of the kidney organs.
To prevent this from happening, there are several tips to avoid dehydration during fasting that are easy to do such as eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking enough water, consuming soupy foods, and limiting strenuous physical activity.
Causes and Risk Factors
The main cause of dehydration during fasting is the lack of fluid intake during the fasting period. Risk factors include hot weather, excessive physical activity and unhealthy eating habits when breaking the fast.
Here are some tips for you to prevent dehydration during fasting, namely:
- Avoid caffeinated drinks
One way to avoid dehydration during fasting is to avoid drinks that contain caffeine. It is important to know that coffee and the contain caffeine. This content has a diuretic effect that can increase urine production, causing the body to lose salt and water.
So, to stay hydrated throughout the day, the right step is to increase water consumption, don't forget to drink a glass of water along with sweet fruit such as dates when breaking the fast to help maintain a healthy body.
- Avoid Spicy or Salty Foods
Another way to combat dehydration while fasting is to avoid spicy or salty foods. These foods can increase the body's need for water. Keep food portions small and avoid using excessive salt or spices when cooking.
Therefore, by paying attention to the tips above, Sahabat Hermina can maintain the balance of body fluids during fasting. Avoid caffeinated drinks and spicy or salty foods and increase the consumption of water and soupy foods. Thus, it is hoped that Sahabat Hermina can prevent dehydration during the fasting month.
Have a healthy and fit fast!