paruparu, dokterparu, asma, kankerparu


Lung cancer is a cancer that affects many people, especially those who have smoking habits. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking. In cigarettes there are cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) that trigger damage to the lining cells of the lungs. Changes in cells and tissues in the Lung are rapid in heavy smokers. However, many lung cancer sufferers are late for help because they are late or are not aware of the symptoms that appear. Due to the late anticipation, the success of the treatment is also low because it ignores the various symptoms that appear from the start. Therefore we should recognize some of the following symptoms of lung cancer which are often overlooked:
Persistent cough

Coughs can be caused by minor illnesses, such as a cold or allergies. But if the cough persists and doesn't stop for a long time, this might be a sign of a more serious disease, and one of them is lung cancer.
Bleeding cough

Coughing accompanied by blood is definitely not a good sign for one's body health. Cough accompanied by blood may be one of the symptoms of lung cancer, although further examination is needed to be sure.
Hard to breathe

If you suddenly become short of breath when climbing stairs or just walking normally, it could be a form of lung cancer, especially if accompanied by other symptoms. Difficulty breathing when sitting or lying down can be a symptom. That's why immediately consult a doctor if these symptoms appear.

If you are diagnosed with asthma when you are an adult or an old age, you should be more vigilant because it could be a sign of lung cancer. According to Flores, asthma can indeed be an unusual symptom of lung cancer. Therefore, it is highly recommended to get screened immediately to find out whether or not a malignant tumor is present in the lungs.
Chest pain

Apart from being a sign and symptom of a heart attack, chest pain can also be a symptom of lung cancer. The sign is that the chest, back, and shoulders often hurt and are often accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest.
Feeling very tired

Weight loss and decreased appetite can be signs of lung cancer. In addition, this symptom will be followed by feeling excessively tired, even though we are just doing our daily activities as usual.
Pain all over the body

Starting with a headache, then disturbed balance then numbness in the limbs can be a sign or symptom of lung cancer. It could even be that the cancer has spread to the brain or spinal cord. Meanwhile, if the skin and eyes are yellow, it is possible that the cancer has spread to the liver to the lymph nodes. Lung cancer often does not show signs or symptoms until it is in an advanced stage and that is why many people with lung cancer are newly diagnosed with lung cancer when it has spread to other parts of the body. This is where it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that the risk of lung cancer can be reduced.

Lung cancer can be treated in various ways, depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the cancer. The main treatment for early-stage lung cancer is surgery. If the cancer has reached an advanced stage, then treatment can be done with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Prevention is the cheapest way to reduce the development of lung cancer. Eliminating the smoking habit is the main goal of lung cancer prevention, and quitting smoking is one of the most important precautions in this process. For someone who is at risk of developing lung cancer, routine checkups should be done. In addition, it is recommended to exercise regularly and eat a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet.
