Don't Ignore Mental Health in The Workplace

Don't Ignore Mental Health in The Workplace

Mental health problems are often overlooked in the workplace. Workers who experience mental health problems can affect work results that are not optimal. Various situations at work make it possible for a person to suffer from depression. Causes of stress in the workplace include work load, such as targets or deadlines, interpersonal relationships between superiors and subordinates, or other co-workers. Apart from that, work patterns and organizational aspects, such as unclear duties for each employee, can cause stress. Of the many pressures, efforts to avoid stress are determined by each individual himself. They can solve it by running away from the problem or facing it. According to RI Law No. 18 of 2014 concerning mental health, mental health is a condition where an individual can develop physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially so that the individual is able to realize his own abilities, can overcome pressure, can work productively, and is able to make a positive contribution to the community (Kurniawati, 2023).

Types and symptoms of mental health disorders

  1. Anxiety Disorders

It is a mental condition characterized by excessive, protracted, and difficult-to-control anxiety. People with anxiety disorders often feel worried or worried about various things, even without a clear reason.

The symptoms of this anxiety disorder are characterized by:

  1. Excessive and continuous feeling of anxiety or tension
  2. Muscle tension or tremor
  3. Difficulty concentrating or easily distracted
  4. Difficulty sleeping or other sleep disorders
  5. Excessive fatigue
  6. Physical tension that causes headaches, muscle aches, or digestive disorders
  7. Fear of things that are irrational or disproportionate
  8. Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
  1. Depression

A mental health disorder characterized by prolonged feelings of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities, which can last for weeks to months.

Other symptoms experienced by sufferers are:

  1. Changes in appetite
  2. Sleep disturbances (can be too much or less than the usual amount of sleep)
  3. Decreased ability to concentrate
  4. Inability to make decisions
  5. Feeling uneasy
  6. Feelings of uselessness
  7. Feeling guilty or hopeless
  8. Have a tendency to hurt yourself or commit suicide.
  1. Psychotic Disorders

Is a mental disorder, which is characterized by impaired ability to assess reality, accompanied by impaired emotional reactions, communication, and inability to relate to other people around them, where a person's mental capacity, emotional response or reaction, ability to assess reality, communication, and relationships with other humans are experiencing interference.

Psychosis disorders can appear in the form of

  1. Hearing sounds that only he can hear
  2. Talking and laughing to yourself for no reason
  3. lExcessive suspicion
  4. Feeling he is someone great, like a president or an angel
  5. Chaotic speech that is difficult to understand
  6. Getting angry for no reason and throwing tantrums
  7. Too solitary, doesn't want to socialize
  8. does not want to shower, does not maintain personal hygiene, and defecates/urinates carelessly.
  1. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by drastic mood swings. Sufferers can feel very sad and hopeless at one time, then very happy at another.

The symptoms of people experiencing bipolar disorder depend on the phase, namely the mania (up) and depression (down) phases. In the mania phase, bipolar sufferers feel very excited and happy, and their minds are racing. However, at the same time, you can also feel anxious, sensitive, and irritable.

Prevention of Mental Health Disorders

We can avoid risk factors for mental health disorders by doing the following things:

  1. Get to know yourself.

Get to know yourself to know your own abilities and capacity to carry out activities or deal with something. How much time is needed to rest, work, gather with family, and have time for yourself? Dramatic changes in daily habits can indicate emotional or mental stress.

  1. Take time for yourself.

Take time every day to just relax and do things you like. You can just take a warm bath, watch your favorite film, listen to music, or do a hobby. Never feel selfish when doing this.

  1. Write

Writing can reduce stress levels; try transferring ideas or thoughts into writing. It can be in the form of a to-do list; it can also be in the form of a journal.

  1. Exercise

Physical health affects mental health. Vice versa. Exercise has been proven to help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as helping maintain physical health. Exercising outdoors is highly recommended because you can get ideal fresh air. Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day is enough.

  1. Reduce alcoholic drinks

Many people self-medicate for mental disorders by drinking alcohol or taking sedatives, even though the impact is only temporary and the long-term consequences can be more severe.

Currently, the demands of work and the environment as well as developments in the times often provide considerable pressure and burden, which can affect a person's mental health. Mental health is often considered a sensitive issue that is rarely discussed openly because it is often treated with a negative view, so many individuals who experience mental disorders are reluctant to reveal or seek help, feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable admitting that they are dealing with mental disorders. However, it is important to understand that mental disorders are medical conditions that can be treated. Recognizing and treating mental disorders is an important step to achieving optimal mental health and enabling a person to live better and return to work productively. With the right support and treatment, many people who experience mental disorders can overcome these problems and live better lives. If Hermina friends experience complaints of mental health problems, please consult a mental health specialist at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital, dr. Raden Yudha, Sp.KJ

References :

Kemenkes RI. (2024). Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Semakin Ngetren dan Perlu diwaspadai. Jakarta. Kemenkes RI

Kurniawati, K. I. (2023). Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan kesehatan jiwa remaja awal di MTs Negeri 2 Karanganyar.Kusuma Husada Surakarta University

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