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Let There Be No Leprosy Among Us

Leprosy, also known as leprosy, is disease infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. Although has long been a disease that is feared and considered taboo, understanding about leprosy has develop fast , and effective treatment has available . This article will discuss in a way deep about leprosy , incl causes , symptoms , diagnosis and treatment .

What is Leprosy?

Leprosy is disease infectious that affects skin , nerves edges , and mucosa channel Respiratory on . Disease This generally spread through splash droplets from nose and mouth sufferers who do not treated .

Symptoms of Leprosy

Symptom leprosy varies depending on the level severity diseases and systems immunity body individual . Symptom general includes :

  • Spotting or nodule Skin : Normally without pain at first , you can become reddish or brownish .
  • Disappearance sensation : Sufferer Possible experience disappearance sensation in the skin area certain .
  • Damage nerve : This can be cause weakness muscles and discomfort in the parts body certain .
  • Deformity : Leprosy that is not treated can cause deformity in the face , hands , or feet.


Leprosy diagnosis often based on symptoms clinical and examination skin by a doctor . However , the diagnosis is more accurate can enforced through test laboratory and biopsy skin .


Treatment leprosy consists from therapy effective multidrug . _ Treatment regimen standard usually involve combination a number of antibiotics , such as dapsone, rifampicin , and clofazimine . Important For treated with correct and correct regular For prevent resistance drug .



Prevention and Control

Prevention spread leprosy involve identification and treatment early case new , as well monitoring contact tightly sufferer . BCG vaccination has also been done proven reduce risk leprosy in children .

Difference Between Leprosy & Eczema ( Atopic Dermatitis )

Reason :

Leprosy: Caused by infection Mycobacterium leprae bacteria .
Atopic Dermatitis : Related with reaction allergies and inflammation of the skin .

Symptom :

Leprosy: Symptoms beginning covers spotting lost skin _ sensation , nodules or bumps , damage nerves , and deformity .
Atopic Dermatitis : Usually be marked with skin dry , itchy , red , and sometimes scuffed or skin cracked .


Leprosy: Diagnosis based on symptoms clinical , examination physical , and tests laboratory like biopsy skin .
Atopic Dermatitis : Diagnosis based on symptoms clinical and history medical patient , without need test special .

Treatment :

Leprosy: Treatment involve multi- drug therapy with antibiotics Specific such as dapsone, rifampicin , and clofazimine .
Atopic Dermatitis : Treatment involve maintenance regular skin , use _ cream or ointment corticosteroids , and avoid trigger potential .

The Role of Community and Recovery

Recovery sufferer leprosy No only involve treatment medical , but also support social and rehabilitation . Eliminating stigma and giving education to public about leprosy can help increase quality life sufferer .

Elimination of social and educational stigma public about leprosy is step important in effort prevention and control disease This . Support Social care and rehabilitation are also important for recovery sufferer .

Leprosy, though has become material stigmatization in society , now can treated with effective . With more understanding _ Good about disease This is expected to be stigmatized sufferer can reduced , and effort prevention as well as treatment can done in a way more effective .
