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Don't take it for granted, check out the causes of brain bleeding that are often overlooked

Brain bleeding is a medical emergency that needs to be treated immediately. Bleeding in the brain basically does not happen suddenly, except for someone who has an accident. The initial symptoms that appear are usually headaches or numbness in several parts of the body such as numbness in the feet, hands or face which can occur and are often ignored by many people.

Brain hemorrhages can occur in any part of the brain, such as inside the brain, between the brain and the membranes that cover it, or between the skull and the meninges. So, what factors can cause brain bleeding? Know the cause so Hermina's Friends are more vigilant.

Factors Causing Brain Bleeding
Head trauma is often the cause of brain bleeding. Nevertheless, there are various medical conditions that can also cause cerebral hemorrhage. The factor that causes brain bleeding to watch out for is head trauma.

Head trauma is the most common cause of brain hemorrhage, especially common in young adults where mobility is high (eg traffic accidents, sports collisions, fights, etc.)

Hemorrhagic strokes can also occur due to other risk factors such as age, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, alcohol consumption, vascular malformations (disorders in the structure or anatomy of blood vessels) that are prone to occur, brain tumors, amyloid angiopathy, and kidney failure.

Symptoms of Brain Bleeding
Symptoms of a brain hemorrhage can vary, depending on the location of the bleeding, the severity of the bleeding and the amount of tissue involved. The development of symptoms tends to occur suddenly so there is a risk of getting worse quickly. Symptoms of a brain hemorrhage are of course different from the consequences of other diseases such as infarction/ischemic stroke or intracranial tumors.

Brain hemorrhage can occur due to an acute increase in intracranial pressure / suddenly and can result in focal neurological deficits (weakness of limbs, facial twitching, sluggishness, visual disturbances, etc.). As a result of a sudden increase in ICP (depending on the volume of bleeding) it can result in clinical symptoms such as severe headache, decreased consciousness, neck stiffness, profuse vomiting, and seizures. Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of a brain hemorrhage so that you can get the right treatment right away.

Keep in mind that many of the symptoms above can be caused by conditions other than a brain hemorrhage. That's why, immediately seek medical help to get the right diagnosis. After seeing a doctor, they will determine which part of the brain is affected based on the symptoms you are experiencing. The doctor needs to do tests to carry out further examinations, such as a CT scan to find the location and cause of bleeding.

Given that brain bleeding is a serious condition, it is important to control the various risk factors that trigger it. If Hermina's best friend has a history of high blood pressure, be sure to check your blood pressure regularly and adopt a healthier lifestyle. A lifestyle that must be followed by consuming healthy food, exercising regularly, and stopping smoking. Consult a friend's health
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