Don't be mistaken, here's how to clean your teeth properly

Don't be mistaken, here's how to clean your teeth properly

Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is one of the most important things to do because teeth and mouth are two parts of the body that have an important role in daily life activities. Therefore, it is very important for Hermina's friends to maintain oral hygiene.

In maintaining oral hygiene, Hermina's friends can start with simple methods such as brushing their teeth routinely and regularly every day. This good habit can prevent the body from various diseases. There are various ways that Hermina friends can do to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, including:


  1. Use the right toothbrush

The first step that Hermina's friends can take is to choose a toothbrush that suits Hermina's friends' needs. Make sure that Hermina's friends choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles so that it is comfortable to use and doesn't hurt the gums. Apart from choosing a toothbrush with soft bristles, Hermina's friends can also choose A toothbrush with a small, rounded tip, this is done so that when using the toothbrush it doesn't injure the gums. Replace your toothbrush regularly after a maximum of three months of use.

  1. Brush your teeth gently

The main aim of brushing our teeth is to remove plaque from the teeth, but if we brush too hard it will cause bad things to happen to the teeth and gums of Hermina's friends. One of the conditions that often occurs is tearing of the gums and erosion of the relatively thin tooth enamel due to brushing your teeth too hard.
Hermina friends can make toothbrush movements by rotating and not brushing too hard, basically when Hermina friends brush their teeth in the wrong way it will cause plaque on the teeth to build up and harden, causing gingivitis or inflammation of the gums.

  1. Reduce consumption of sweet foods and drinks
    Reducing sweet foods and drinks is one of the wise choices that Hermina friends can make in maintaining oral and dental hygiene, because consuming sweet foods and drinks will be converted into acid by bacteria in the mouth which can then eat away at tooth enamel, causing cavities.
  2. Quit smoking
    One of the things that can damage your health is smoking, because the nicotine content in cigarettes can cause yellow teeth and black lips. Apart from that, this will also cause teeth to become more brittle, break easily, and increase the risk of oral cancer.
  3. Do flossing (Using dental floss)
    Flossing or cleaning teeth using dental floss aims to clean dirt that cannot be reached by a toothbrush. This method can also be used when Hermina friends don't have time to brush their teeth after eating, because dental floss is able to clean particles and plaque that are left behind and are still accumulating because they are difficult to reach.

Apart from carrying out the five steps above, Hermina's friends are also advised to consult with a dentist regularly every six months, this aims to carry out early detection if problems occur with Hermina's friends' teeth, gums and oral cavity. Don't forget to fulfill your intake of nutritious foods such as fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water

If Hermina's friends experience complaints such as bleeding gums, teeth falling out by themselves, pain when chewing, and bad breath, immediately consult a doctor for appropriate examination and treatment.

Hermina's friends can consult about teeth with the dentist at the hospital. The nearest Hermina, or Hermina's friends, can also consult online with a specialist hospital doctor. Hermina with the halo hermina application

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