spesialis mata

Rarely known, this is the danger of rubbing your eyes

We often rub our eyes, consciously or unconsciously, when our eyes feel itchy. Rubbing our eyes seems like a normal activity, but did Friend Hermina know that rubbing your eyes can actually lead to serious conditions, one of which is infection?

Eye infection is a condition where the eyes become red, swollen, and watery. It is caused by microbiology exposed to the eyes, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Conjunctivitis (pink or red eyes) is the most common eye infection. This is inflammation of the conjunctiva and the inner surface of the eyelids, usually resulting from a viral or bacterial infection. Conjunctivitis can also occur due to allergic conditions.

  • Viral conjunctivitis (related to the body's immune system): healing can be faster.
  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis
  1. Caused by bacteria, the inflammatory process is more aggressive because it can damage the cornea, which can threaten blindness.
  2. Gonorrhea (GO) conjunctivitis caused by STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) often occurs in the eyes of newborns who are born spontaneously intravaginally. GO conjunctivitis also often infects the eyes of adults who frequently engage in unhealthy sexual relations or frequently change partners.
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  1. Keratitis is a serious eye infection of the cornea because it can cause blindness. Currently, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) is often caused by poor use and care of contact lenses, which can increase the risk of corneal infections. Trauma to the eye due to dirty objects such as plants, stones, soil, and others can cause serious infections in the eye. eye.
  2. Stye on the edge of the eyelid is also another form of infection that often occurs due to infection of the hair follicles in the eyelashes. Generally, it looks like a pimple or a small boil. If the infection is more severe or widespread, then this condition is called blepharitis, or eyelid infection.


Eye infection symptoms

Sufferers may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  1. Red eye
  2. Discharge in the eyes (watery, slimy eyes may contain blood and pus)
  3. Eye discomfort/pain
  4. The eye feels like there is a foreign object.
  5. Swollen eyes or swelling in the area around the eyes
  6. Eyes are difficult to open.
  7. Continuous itching
  8. Blurred vision


Is an eye infection dangerous?

  • If left untreated, an infection in the eye can spread quickly and cause blindness if the damage caused by the infection is severe.
  • If a serious infection in the eye spreads to the brain's nervous system, it can cause meningitis (an inflammatory brain infection), which can be life-threatening.
  • If the infection threatens to cause a perforation in the eye, leakage of the contents of the eyeball, or rupture of the contents of the eyeball, the ophthalmologist will carry out patching of the leaking layer (if still possible) and surgical removal of the contents of the eyeball if the infection is so severe that it can be life-threatening.


How is the treatment? Can you recover completely? Or repeat

  • Sufferers and patients should immediately consult an ophthalmologist to determine the cause of their eye infection in order to obtain the best advice and treatment. Treatment generally includes the use of antibiotic drops, antibiotic eye ointment, and oral antibiotics adjusted to the severity of the eye infection.
  • If the infection is mild, it can heal completely.
  • If the infection is serious, if it heals, it can leave scar tissue, which can interfere with sharp vision and even blindness.
  • Can recur if the infection returns


How do I prevent eye infections?

  • Wash your hands before and after touching your eyes or face.
  • Avoid sharing eye make-up with other people and pay attention to the expiration date of eye make-up (change at least once every 6 months).
  • Take good care of contact lenses and do not share contact lens equipment, cases, or washing fluid with other people.
  • If you have an eye infection, avoid using eye make-up or wearing contact lenses until the infection clears up.
  • Avoid sharing towels, bed sheets, pillows, or handkerchiefs.
  • Prevent eye exposure to contaminated water.
  • Use swimming goggles when swimming as eye protection.

If Hermina's friends experience and feel the above symptoms with an intensity that is enough to interfere with their activities, immediately consult Hermina's friends' condition with an eye specialist at the nearest Hermina Hospital or do an online consultation via the Halo Hermina application.


Referensi : https://herminahospitals.com/id/articles/waspada-mengucek-mata-dapat-menyebakan-infeksi-pada-mata.html
