
Annoying Acne on the Face? Here's How to Overcome It

Acne or acne is an inflammation characterized by blackheads, red nodules, pus-filled nodules. Acne has many causes, one of which is hormonal, genetic, and foods such as dairy products. Research shows that more than 40% of people who consume milk are more likely to get pimples than people who don't consume milk. Other causes can also be due to the use of the wrong cosmetics. The most common trigger for acne is the use of masks. The result of using masks for people with acne is due to the friction between the mask and the skin itself, which triggers pimples on the chin or cheeks. Therefore it is recommended to change the mask every 3-4 hours. When you want to change the mask, it is recommended to clean your face first, then use a new mask.
The use of face cream should not be done on thin areas of the face such as the corners of the eyes, corners of the nose and corners of the lips, where if applied to these parts it can cause irritation, so the use of cream is not recommended in that area. In addition to the face area, acne can also appear on the back and chest. If that happens, the patient can buy drugs at the pharmacy with certain ingredients, but if the patient is unsure, he should consult a dermatologist. If pimples appear, patients are advised not to squeeze pimples, because this will trigger infection and inflammation of the facial skin.
Acne has types from mild to severe depending on the number of pimples that appear on the face or face of the patient. How to prevent pimples from appearing, namely, the first comes from hygiene or how to keep facial skin clean. Then, use soap according to facial skin type. Furthermore, avoid eating foods such as chocolate, boba, nuts, eggs, milk, etc. Drink plenty of water, because drinking water will help heal acne itself.
How to deal with the first acne, it is recommended to consult a skin and genital doctor. When consulting a doctor, a drug regimen will be given, depending on whether the type of acne is mild or severe. Then, you should avoid foods that are too sweet such as milk, nuts, chocolate, boba drinks, eggs, etc. Furthermore, avoid using make-up for patients with acne as a result of using masks. And lastly, always maintain facial skin hygiene.
