Crazy to Eat Meat Be careful of the risk of this disease

Crazy to Eat Meat

Be careful of the risk of this disease

When compared to normal days, the consumption of mutton and beef certainly increases during the Eid al-Adha celebration. At this moment, Muslims perform sacrifices which are then distributed to the surrounding community and the less fortunate. But don't overdo this meat consumption, because cholesterol levels can rise and trigger health problems.

Many of our people process meat into satay, rendang, curry and so on. Eating meat for health has many benefits, especially in terms of building muscles, increasing immunity and preventing anemia

High cholesterol or dyslipidemia can cause deposits or fat deposits in blood vessels. As a result, blood flow in the arteries will be blocked so that the heart does not get the oxygen-rich blood supply. The risk of heart attack and stroke also increases.

Diseases that can arise from consuming too much meat


Excessive consumption of sacrificial meat will cause constipation or constipation. Meat does not have fiber which can help digestion. Therefore, if someone eats too much meat, then he needs to balance it with consuming vegetables and fruits.

Digestive problems

Digestive problems arise. Meat that is low in fiber will cause digestive problems. This is because the bacteria in the stomach do not get enough nutrition from fiber.


Causes dehydration or lack of fluids. Protein digestion requires a lot of energy and water to get rid of excess nitrogen in the intestine. Due to the large amount of water used, the body will lack fluids and cause dehydration.


Furthermore, consuming too much meat will increase the risk of diseases related to cholesterol and fat such as heart disease. This can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Excessive sweat

Causes excessive sweating and can trigger an unpleasant body odor. When eating meat, the body must expend energy to digest and process it cause a person to sweat easily and can trigger an unpleasant body odor.

Easily Tired

The next impact of consuming excess meat is fatigue. Because, all the energy expended to digest foods that contain lots of meat. In addition, beef contains high tryptophan. If you consume too much, your body will feel tired and will cause drowsiness after eating.


Increase the risk of cancer. In some cases, meat management can form carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds are believed to be the main cause of cancer.

"HCA is formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures, while PAHs are formed when organic matter is burned in meat, thereby increasing the risk of cancer,".

Kidney stones

At risk of developing kidney stones. Excess protein due to eating meat can affect the kidneys. This is because purine compounds from meat can form uric acid which can increase the risk of kidney stones.

Weight Gain

Now the last one is weight gain. Consuming excess meat can increase body weight, especially meat that still contains a lot of fat in each piece.

Therefore, meat consumption must be balanced with lots of drinking and eating fruit and vegetables. In addition to facilitating bowel movements, the fiber contained in vegetables and fruits will reduce cholesterol absorption in the small intestine.
