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Do you often experience back pain? Let's See the Causes and How to Overcome It

Hello Hermina Friends

Back pain is a common medical condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, illness, or a poor lifestyle. Back pain can affect a person to carry out daily activities and can affect a person's quality of life.

Back pain Apart from complaints of pain or discomfort in the lumbar area, it can also be accompanied by tingling or numbness in the feet or legs, or difficulty standing or sitting for long periods. These symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Some common causes of back pain include:

  1. Injuries: Injuries to the lumbar region can be caused by physical activity, such as sports or accidents/trauma. These injuries can cause severe pain and require prompt medical treatment.
  2. Muscle stretching: Stretching the muscles in the lumbar region can be caused by overactivity or wrong body position. This can cause discomfort and pain which can prevent freedom of movement
  3. Arthritis: Arthritis in the lumbar region can result from certain medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This can cause severe pain and affect a person's quality of life.
  4. Kidney stones: Kidney stones can cause pain in the lumbar region and can affect one's ability to urinate. This requires a proper medical evaluation to prevent serious complications.
  5. Other medical conditions: Other medical conditions, such as a herniated disk or scoliosis, can cause low back pain and affect the quality of life due to persistent pain. 

Of the various causes of low back pain, the following are recommended:

  1. Rest, with rest can help reduce pain and speed up the recovery process. Besides that, during breaks, you can be assisted by using a corset to minimize pain.
  2. Warming up, warming up before physical activity can help prevent injury and overstretching of muscles.
  3. Physical therapy can help strengthen muscles and improve posture thereby helping to prevent back pain. The therapy is carried out in the form of thermotherapy - IR infrared, tens (trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation).
  4. Medical therapy, namely by using drugs. Apart from that, by using the Nerve Block technique it can reduce pain and discomfort.
  5. Operative Therapy.

However, if the low back pain is still ongoing, immediately consult a neurologist. At RSU Hermina Purwokerto there are several neurologists that Hermina's friends can consult.

To make it easier to access services & registration at Hermina Purwokerto Hospital, here's how:
1. Download the mobile application on Playstore (Type Hello Hermina)
2. Contact Call Center 1500488
3. Through the website ->
4. Through the Halodoc application
