Maybe you Affected by hypertension if you have it Symptom Following : Recognizing the Signs of High Blood Pressure

Maybe you Affected by hypertension if you have it Symptom Following : Recognizing the Signs of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension , or pressure blood high , is condition medical chronic where pressure blood in arteries increase to a level that is not Healthy . Condition This often called as a "silent killer" because often not​ show clear symptoms​ However can cause complications Serious If No handled with Good . This article will discuss symptom general hypertension and why important For recognize signs initially .


Symptom Hypertension

  1. Headache​
  • Severe headache , especially in the area​ behind head , often happened in the morning day .
  1. Dizzy
  • Feeling dizzy or sensation like float that can happen When just .
  1. Vision Blurry
  • No vision​ clear or blur Can become sign enhancement pressure blood .
  1. Chest pain
  • Although more Rarely , chest pain can occur signify complications Serious from hypertension like disease heart .
  1. Hard to breathe
  • Difficulty breathing , esp after activity light or moment lie down .
  1. Bleeding Nose
  • Bleeding frequent and absent nose​ obvious cause​ Can become indication hypertension .
  1. Fatigue
  • Excessive tiredness​​ without clear reason​ Can show pressure blood tall .
  1. Beat Irregular Heart​
  • Palpitations or beat heart that doesn't regular Can occurs in patients hypertension .

Why Symptom Is Hypertension Often Ignored ?

Hypertension often called as a "silent killer" because Lots sufferer No experience clear symptoms​ until pressure blood they reaching dangerous levels . Therefore​ that's very important For do routine check-ups , esp for those who have factor risk like age advanced , obesity , history family , or style a life that doesn't Healthy .


Importance Early Detection and Management

Detect hypertension at stage the beginning is very important For prevent complications Serious like disease heart disease , stroke and damage kidney . Management hypertension usually involve change style life , such as a low salt diet , exercise orderly , and controlled body weight , as well treatment with drug antihypertensive If required .


Hypertension is condition serious in need proper attention and management .​ Although often not​ show clear symptoms , recognize​ signs beginning hypertension and do regular check-ups are possible help prevent complications Serious . If you or someone you know show symptoms hypertension , immediately consult with professional health For evaluation and treatment more carry on .


Reference :

American Heart Association (AHA): -symptoms-of-high-blood-pressure

Mayo Clinic:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

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