When Can You Sleep After Eating?

When Can You Sleep After Eating?

The condition of a full stomach often invites sleepiness, as a result many people choose to lie down or sleep after eating. In fact, sleeping after eating can have a negative effect on the body. Do you know what is the danger of sleeping after eating? Sleeping after eating can actually have a negative impact on health, including triggering stomach aches. Furthermore, how many hours after eating can you sleep?

The dangers of sleeping after eating

Sleepiness after eating is normal. This is because the hormones released during the digestive process can trigger drowsiness. However, the habit of sleeping after eating seems to be bad for health. Here are some of the dangers of falling asleep after eating.

  1. Digestive Process Disorders
    The best body position during the digestive process is sitting or standing up straight. That way, the rate of digestion and absorption of food can be optimal.
  2. Reduces Sleep Quality
    The danger of sleeping after the next meal is to reduce the quality of sleep at night. Because if we eat heavy or fatty foods that will have the potential to cause stomach pain and make it difficult to sleep
  3. Weight Gain
    If you fall asleep immediately after eating, the body does not have enough time to burn calories so that fat deposits can occur.
  4. GERD
    Falling asleep immediately after a full meal can cause pressure in the stomach to increase, so that food and gastric juices can rise into the esophagus. This condition has the potential to cause GERD
  5. Strokes
    According to research, the longer the sleep time after eating, the lower the risk of having a stroke. When you eat, your blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood flow change.

Recommended Sleep After Meal Period
How many hours can sleep after eating? You are advised to wait at least 3 hours after eating to sleep or lie down. During this duration, food has gone through the digestive process in the stomach organs and leads to the small intestine.

Apart from paying attention to the time lag, you are also advised to pay attention to the portion of food consumed. Eating a meal that is too large will make blood sugar increase and the body will feel more tired. Meal portions that are too large will also increase the workload of the digestive system so that it takes longer to process. Compared to large portions, it turns out that eating small portions with more frequent frequency is more advisable.

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