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When to Consult an Oral Surgeon?

Sahabat Hermina, Oral Surgeon Specialist is a competent dentist in surgical procedures involving the mouth, jaw, and face. Oral Surgeon Specialists play a role in determining the diagnosis, therapy and management of various conditions and diseases in the Maxillofacial region. However, many people don't know when to consult an oral surgeon. Some of these situations are highly recommended for you to consult an oral surgery specialist:

  • Wisdom Teeth (Wisdom Teeth)

Wisdom teeth or third molars usually grow between the ages of 17 - 25 years. Wisdom teeth can grow in the wrong position normal, causes pain, infection, or damage to neighboring teeth, often they even feel pain in the head/migraine area, ringing in the ears and pain up to the neck, so they seek treatment from a neurologist, internal medicine or ENT specialist because of these complaints.  If you experience these symptoms, immediately consult an Oral Surgeon specialist for evaluation and management of wisdom tooth extraction which is the source of the infection.

  • Severe Oral Infections

Oral infections can come from cavities or hidden wisdom teeth that are not treated properly. The infection can spread to other areas, including the neck and face, and can even be fatal. Signs of a serious infection include swelling, severe pain, fever, difficulty opening the mouth, and swallowing.  Oral surgeons can help treat this infection with appropriate surgical procedures.

  • Cysts or Tumors in the Mouth or Jaw

Cysts and tumors in the mouth or jaw, whether benign or malignant, require special treatment. If your general dentist finds a cyst or tumor, they will refer you to an oral surgery specialist for further evaluation and removal if necessary.

  • Facial and Jaw Trauma

Accidents that cause injuries to the face or jaw, such as broken bones, require attention from an oral surgeon. They are trained to repair facial and jaw bone structure and restore function and aesthetic appearance.

  • Jaw Joint Disorders (TMJ Disorders)

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. If conservative therapy is unsuccessful, a specialist oral surgeon may be needed for surgical or other treatment.

  •  Dental Implants

Dental implants is a titanium material that is implanted in the jaw and functions as a replacement for missing tooth roots. Installation of dental implants is a solution to replace missing or missing teeth toothy, but don't want to use dentures removable because it is uncomfortable or installing a bridge denture because the healthy teeth have to be reduced.

Dental implant placement requires special skills to ensure the implant is placed correctly and functions properly. Oral surgeons have the appropriate training to perform these procedures, especially in complex cases.

  • Repair of Birth Defects

Some babies are born with defects such as cleft lip or palate. Repair of these defects usually involves a specialist oral surgeon, who works closely with the rest of the medical team to ensure the best outcome for the patient.

So, consultation with an oral surgery specialist is necessary in various situations involving complex conditions of the mouth, jaw and face. If you experience one of the conditions mentioned above, immediately seek a referral to an oral surgery specialist from your dentist or general practitioner to get the right treatment. Stay healthy.



American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). "When to See an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon." Accessed May 2024.

Mayo Clinic. "Wisdom teeth removal." Accessed May 2024.

WebMD. "Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery." Accessed May 2024.
