Monkeypox Case Detected Again in Indonesia!

Monkeypox Case Detected Again in Indonesia!

The rise of monkeypox cases has brought attention back to this disease that was once considered rare, after it had subsided, now monkeypox is starting to spread again, causing concern. In Indonesia alone, there are 88 cases of monkeypox during 2022-2024 with 74 cases up to 2023 and 14 cases in 2024. Then what is monkeypox and how to prevent us from getting infected? Let's take a look at the following discussion.


Monkeypox or known as monkey pox is an infectious disease that causes a rash, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and headache and pain. Monkey pox is caused by the zoonotic orthopox virus that accidentally spreads a disease in humans similar to smallpox with a lower mortality rate.


Monkey pox is transmitted through close contact with someone who has monkey pox, such as direct contact with skin lesions or rashes, fluids or droppings, contact with objects contaminated by an infected person. In addition, transmission of monkey pox can be from animals to humans from infected animals, by transmission through animal bites or scratches, direct contact with body fluids of infected animals, and eating poorly cooked animal meat.


Signs and symptoms

Monkeypox causes signs and symptoms that usually start within a week but can also start 1 to 12 days after exposure. Mpox symptoms usually last for 2 to 4 weeks but may last longer for people with weakened immune systems. Here are the common symptoms of monkey pox:

  • Rash and fever
  • Headache to the throat
  • Muscle and back pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • And feeling weak.

A common symptom that often appears in monkey pox is a rash, the rash often appears in the facial area and spreads throughout the body to the palms of the hands and feet. The rash begins as flat sores, which then develop into blisters with fluid that makes it itchy and painful.


Prevention of monkey pox

Although monkey pox can heal on its own, it is better to prevent this disease, monkey pox attacks more severely in children because the immune system of children is not as strong as adults, here are some preventive measures for monkey pox that you can do:

  • Avoid contact with infected or sick animals
  • Avoid direct contact with infected people, from clothing and bedding to eating utensils.
  • Reduce and limit eating meat that is not well cooked
  • Apply a clean and healthy lifestyle, by performing hand hygiene after contact with animals or people. Use a mask when around other people


When to see a doctor when experiencing symptoms?

If you feel a high fever for no apparent reason, and a body temperature that does not go down despite taking fever medication, this could be an early sign of monkey pox, fever is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, muscle pain and feeling unusually weak. In addition, the appearance of a skin rash that develops into pustules filled with fluid or pus. This is the time for you to consult a doctor immediately.



  1. World Health Organization. Mpox. 2024
  2. Dinkes. Waspada Mpox, 88 Kasus Terdeteksi di Indonesia. 2024
  3. National Library of Medicine. Mpox (Monkeypox). 2023
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