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Birth Control for Men: Does it Exist?

Sahabat Hermina, Family Planning (KB) is an effort made to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family. Usually, the topic of birth control is more often associated with women, because most of the widely known birth control methods such as birth control pills, IUDs and birth control injections are designed specifically for women. However, it is important to know that birth control is also available for men.

Birth Control Methods for Men

  • Condom

Condoms are the most common birth control method for men. This device is made of latex, polyurethane, or other materials, and is used to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Apart from being effective in preventing pregnancy, condoms also protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

  • Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a permanent birth control method for men. This procedure involves cutting or tying the vas deferens, the tube that transports sperm from the testicles to the urethra. After a vasectomy, sperm no longer mixes with semen, so it cannot cause pregnancy. This procedure is very effective, but should be considered a permanent option.

  • Use of the Calendar Method

Although this method is usually more associated with women, men can also get involved by understanding their partner's menstrual cycle and avoiding sexual relations on fertile days.

  • Birth control medication or pills for men

Currently, there is growing research regarding birth control pills for men. Several clinical trials are underway, but as of now there are no generally available male birth control pills. Some of these pills work by reducing sperm production or inhibiting their function, but further research is needed to ensure their safety.

Men's Involvement in Family Planning

Although most family planning methods are still focused on women, men's involvement in family planning is very important. When men actively participate in family planning, this not only relieves the woman's burden, but also strengthens the relationship and cooperation within the couple. Several things men can do to contribute to family planning include:

  • Use condoms consistently and correctly.
  • Discuss and discuss birth control options with your partner.
  • Supporting couples who choose birth control methods.
  • Look for more information about family planning and educate yourself.

So, one of the main challenges in introducing family planning methods for men is social stigma and lack of information. Many men feel that the responsibility of family planning is a woman's responsibility, or feel that existing family planning methods are uncomfortable or unsafe. However, with the development of medical technology and increasing awareness of the importance of men's participation in family planning, it is hoped that more family planning methods will be available to men in the future. Educational campaigns and changes in social perceptions are also very necessary so that men play a more active role in family planning. Stay healthy.



  • "Contraceptive Options for Men" - Planned Parenthood
  • "Male Contraception: Where Are We Now?" - World Health Organization (WHO)
  • "Vasectomy: What You Need to Know" - Mayo Clinic
  • "Male Contraceptive Pills: The Future of Family Planning?" - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
