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What is Hemophilia and the symptoms

Bleeding from the nose or what is often called a nosebleed is experienced by almost everyone, from children to the elderly. This condition will be worrying if the blood coming out of the nose is difficult to stop and lasts a long time, because it could be an indication of hemophilia.

What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a disorder that occurs in the human circulatory system. Where, the blood in the body cannot clot or clot properly. This happens because the blood lacks a protein that forms clotting factors, so it is difficult for blood to clot. This blood disorder is associated with mutations on the X chromosome, and is usually more common in males. But do not rule out it can also happen to women.

Hemophilia is a genetic disease. That is, someone who suffers from hemophilia has the possibility of passing this blood disorder on to their children. Even though this condition cannot be cured, sufferers can live a normal life by preventing injuries and carrying out routine controls to the doctor.

Symptoms of Hemophilia
The main symptom of hemophilia is blood that is difficult to clot, causing bleeding to be difficult to stop or last longer.
However, there are other symptoms of hemophilia that sufferers may experience. Some of the symptoms of hemophilia are as follows
  • Tends to bruise easily on the surface of the skin.
  • When you get a scratch or nosebleed, it's hard to stop bleeding.
  • Often experience bloody bowel movements.
  • Bleeding in the joints characterized by pain and swelling in the elbow and knee joints
  • Easy to feel tingling.
  • Often experience bleeding in the mouth and gums.
  • Blood in urine and feces
Symptoms of Hemophilia can also be seen based on the severity of bleeding experienced by hemophiliacs, where this condition depends on the amount of clotting factors in the blood. If the number of blood clotting factors is getting less, the bleeding will be more difficult to stop.
1. Mild Symptoms
In mild hemophilia, the amount of clotting factors in the blood ranges from 5–50%. These hemophiliacs may not show any symptoms. However, sufferers can experience bleeding that is difficult to stop if the wound is severe enough or has just undergone a medical procedure, such as surgery and tooth extraction.
2. Moderate Symptoms
Under these conditions, the amount of clotting factors ranges from 1–5%. In this condition, bleeding from even a small wound will be difficult to stop. Sufferers also tend to bruise more easily.
3. Severe Symptoms
Severe symptoms are conditions where the amount of clotting factors is less than 1%. This condition makes sufferers often experience spontaneous bleeding for no apparent reason, such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds, and bleeding or swelling in joints or muscles.
So, hemophilia is a fairly serious medical condition and requires medical attention from a doctor. If you experience conditions or symptoms that lead to indications of hemophilia, immediately consult a doctor so that you can be examined and get the right treatment.


