Kenali apa itu Hernia

Kenali apa itu Hernia

Abortion, or in medical terms known as a hernia, is common, and can actually be treated. Hernias can be experienced by both men and women. Let's get to know what a hernia is, Hermina's best friend.
The definition of a hernia itself is a protrusion / protrusion of the contents (viscus) of a cavity through a defect / weak part of the cavity wall in question
Hernia consists of: ring, bag, contents of the hernia.
Distribution based on occurrence:

Congenital hernia: H.diaphragmatic, H.inguinal lateralis, etc.
Acquired hernia: H.femoral, H.inguinal medialis, H.incisional, etc.
The cause of congenital hernia is persistent peritoneal processus vaginalis, usually occurs in infants and children.
Whereas in acquired hernias, causative factors such as the processus vaginalis that remains open, increased intra-abdominal pressure and weakness of the abdominal wall muscles are found.

In hernia patients, they usually have complaints of a lump in the groin that comes and goes, appears when intra-abdominal pressure increases (such as straining, lifting heavy weights), disappears when lying down / manual repositioning.
Complaints such as pain, vomiting, or systemic symptoms arise if they are incarcerated or strangulated (the contents of the hernia sac in the form of a twisted intestine and damage to blood flow in the intestine).
Lateral inguinal hernias usually take the form of an oblong lump in the inguinal (groin) that runs from craniolateral to caudomedial (top to bottom).
Medial inguinal hernias are usually oval/round lumps.

Hernia is one of the many diseases that can only be treated with surgery. There are indications for surgery once the diagnosis is made.
In adult patients, surgery can be in the form of Herniorrhapy: herniotomy + hernioplasty
Herniotomy: the bag is opened, the contents are pushed into the abdominal cavity, the proximal pouch is sutured as high as possible and then cut

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