gangguan pcos, kebidanan dan kandungan

What is PCOS ?

PCOS, characterized by menstrual disorders, is one of the diseases frequently complained about by women of childbearing age (45% occur in women aged 26-30 years). The menstrual disorders can manifest as absence of menstruation for months or prolonged menstruation lasting more than 1 week. Let's learn what PCOS is.

Definition of PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age characterized by the presence of at least 2 out of 3 criteria (Rotterdam 2023):

1. Ovulation disorders characterized by irregular menstruation.
2. Presence of hyperandrogenism (excessive androgen hormone levels in the body) manifested by the growth of excessive fine hair. For example, thin mustache, thin beard, excessive fine hair on the legs or hands, etc.
3. Presence of polycystic ovaries observed during ultrasound examination.

What should be done to determine if we have PCOS or not?

1. Check blood sugar and insulin levels.
2. Undergo an ultrasound examination to check for polycystic ovarian appearance.
3. Hormone tests for PCOS diagnosis.

Things that should be done by PCOS patients include:
1. Modify lifestyle, consume healthy food, and lose weight.
2. Improve insulin resistance.
3. Hormone therapy if experiencing symptoms.
4. Consult with a gynecologist for further treatment.
