anak-anak, kesehatan keluarga



Chickenpox is a skin disease that is very easily transmitted to children. About 90% of cases of chickenpox can infect children under the age of 10 and most are at the age of 5-9 years.

Chickenpox or varicella is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. This disease is also known as chicken pox.

Chickenpox is easily transmitted through splashes of saliva (droplets) that come out of the mouth of a smallpox sufferer when they sneeze or cough and are inhaled by children who are nearby. Another way is through direct contact with the liquid that comes out of the smallpox resilience when the sufferer scratches it.

This fluid contains the smallpox-causing virus. So when the elastic is torn or opened, the liquid inside can be splashed into the air and inhaled by the child so that he can be exposed to the virus contained in it. Transmission can also occur when the child touches this broken elastic wound.

In addition, chickenpox is also very easily transmitted through cross-contamination. This occurs when the patient touches objects around him and then is touched again by a healthy person.

For example, when a patient with chickenpox coughs and leaves droplets on the table surface and not how long does the child hold the same table area. The virus can be transferred to a child's body when he touches his face with contaminated hands.

The virus can remain infectious until all the blisters on the skin of the sufferer have dried up. That's why, everyone who is sick with smallpox will be asked to isolate themselves to avoid the risk of transmission to the closest people, especially to children whose immune systems are not as strong as adults.

Symptoms of Chicken Pox that Appear in Children

Apart from seeing the typical symptoms of chickenpox in children, namely fever accompanied by the appearance of red spots filled with water 10-21 days after exposure to the virus, children can experience muscle aches, headaches and loss of appetite. Itching also occurs along with the appearance of a red rash on several parts of the body, such as the legs, arms, stomach, back and face.

These red spots are prone to cracking and peeling off on their own. Try not to scratch your baby's water spots so that there is no risk or further skin infection. However, there are also symptoms of chickenpox in children without fever, as well as areas of red spots that grow on the body. You cannot equate the symptoms of chickenpox in children with one another.

What's more, the age factor and immunity of each sufferer. If more severe symptoms arise, such as complications of difficulty breathing, dehydration and fever that doesn't go down after the third or fourth day, take your child immediately to a specialist to get proper treatment.


How to Treat Chickenpox in Children

1. Get enough rest

Often children are active even though they are sick. However, you need to guide him so that he gets enough sleep, even better than his sleeping hours. This is certainly beneficial for his recovery from chicken pox.

2. Eat nutritious food

In order for his body's immunity to increase, a balanced nutritious diet can prevent him from the risk of getting chickenpox in the future. Mother can give her favorite healthy food, so as to avoid loss of appetite that might happen to the baby.

3. Give intake of drinking water

One of the symptoms of chickenpox in children is dehydration. To avoid this, you need to make sure your baby gets enough fluid intake.

4. Keep the skin clean

You can bathe him slowly with warm water and special soap for sensitive skin. If you don't want to take a shower, compress the skin with a soft towel.

5. Try clipping her nails

When experiencing chickenpox in children, itching will certainly occur after the rash is filled with water. Mothers are advised to cut their baby's nails so they don't injure the skin when scratching, and give lotion or ointment according to the recommendations of a pediatrician. If it's still a baby, you can put gloves on it.

6. Avoid activities outside the home

Even if he still wants to play, you can tell him to stay home. His mother used to take him on trips and come into contact with other people. Due to the high risk of infection, children may infect people who have not been vaccinated.

7. Wear comfortable clothes

Because babies generally experience itching which is quite disturbing, you can give them clothes that tend to be thin, soft and loose. Also change the sheets so that he feels more comfortable while sleeping.
