Recognize Hip and Knee Injuries
Hip and Knee Subspecialization is a branch of orthopedics in Indonesia that focuses more on hip and knee health. When we are active, of course we use the knee and hip joints, especially when standing, sitting, walking and running. Therefore, the causes of abnormalities that occur in the hip and knee include sports injuries, trauma/traffic accidents, chronic disease factors, metabolic and degenerative diseases can have an impact on a person's quality of life. Pain in the hip and knee is often experienced by older people, but it is also possible that it can attack at a prime age or still young.
There are several characteristics of someone experiencing complaints of Hip and Knee injuries or pelvic and knee health, namely:
- pain around the hip and knee joints, both during activity or rest
- joint deformities, such as knees that are shaped like the letter "O" or "X"
- having difficulty walking, climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, or
doing other activities that have been done for a long time
- feeling pain that gets worse when doing activities, such as
standing for a long time or when exercising
- feels like there is friction, an unusual sound or limited movement in the knee area when moved or when bent
- a sensation of an unstable or shaky knee
- sometimes accompanied by swelling and fever if the cause is infection or inflammation
So, for some types of pain experienced in the hip and knee areas, it can usually be treated with home care, but there are also some conditions that require immediate medical attention to prevent the condition from getting worse. If an injury to the knee or hip is not treated properly, it can lead to more serious problems and more severe damage.
Dear Hermina friends, if you experience problems with your hips and knees such as some of the symptoms explained above, it is recommended to immediately consult a joint specialist or Hip and Knee subspecialist at RSU Hermina Solo, especially after experiencing an injury, to avoid complications later on.
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