neurologi, saraf, otakdansaraf, pembuluhdarah, pembuluhdarahotak

Recognize and Beware of Ruptured Blood Vessels in the Brain

Reflecting on the case of Indra Bekti who experienced a brain hemorrhage while on the move, we need to see what causes the brain hemorrhage so we can avoid it. The most common cause is stroke due to uncontrolled hypertension. High pressure in the blood vessels of the brain causes the blood vessels to burst resulting in brain bleeding. Another cause is a brain blood vessel abnormality in the form of an aneurysm or AVM ( arteriovenous malformation ). A brain aneurysm is a vascular disorder in which the blood vessels are thin and form balloons so that with even a little pressure, the blood vessels of the brain can rupture. An aneurysm can be fatal, which can result in bleeding in the brain (subarachnoid) and brain damage. There are still many ordinary people who still don't understand about aneurysms, brain aneurysms that are still small and have not ruptured often do not cause symptoms but if they are enlarged they will cause symptoms such as pain around the eyes, numbness on one side or around the face, headaches and dizziness, difficulty speaking, difficulty concentrating, decreased memory, impaired vision, disturbed balance.

Meanwhile, AVM is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain. Symptoms vary, ranging from no symptoms, headaches, and even seizures. In these abnormal blood vessels, blood flows from arteries to veins not through capillaries, meaning that in this condition blood does not flow through normal channels. If an AVM occurs in the brain there are several symptoms that appear such as seizures, headaches, nausea and vomiting, problems with speech and understanding language, memory loss, confusion or daze, vision problems.

Until now the cause of AVM from experts is unknown, but some argue that genetic factors may play a role in forming abnormal blood vessels, most types of AVM are genetic.

So it is important to see a neurologist at Hermina Periuk Hospital in Tangerang, if you experience chronic headaches (for months) or seizures or weakness on one side of the body so that further examination can be carried out with a CT scan of the brain if needed.
