kanker, serviks, leher rahim, nyerihaid, keputihan, menstruasi

Recognize and Be Aware of Cervical Cancer

Cancer is a term used for a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. The type of cancer that targets uterine cells in the cervix, where there is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells and tissue in the cervix (cervix) is called cervical cancer.


Causes of Cervical Cancer
The cause of cervical cancer begins when the cells in the cervix develop abnormally. The main cause of cervical cancer is Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the definite cause of cervical cancer and cervical cancer will not occur or will not develop if persistent HPV DNA is not present. This viral infection is very susceptible to targeting individuals who have sexual relations with multiple partners.

High-risk sexual behavior, such as unprotected sex or sharing sex toys that are not washed first, can also increase the risk. Apart from that, women who have never received the HPV vaccine (immunization) are also at greater risk of being infected with HPV.


Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer.

The following are risk factors for cervical cancer or cervical cancer that you should be aware of, including:

  • Married young, under 20 years old
  • Having sexual relations at a young age, namely under 18 years
  • Changing sexual partners
  • Having sexual relations with men who frequently change sexual partners
  • Smoking or passive smoking
  • Recurrent infections in the genital tract, one of which is due to lack of maintaining genital hygiene
  • Vit A./Vit C/Vit E deficiency
  • Have a family history of cancer
  • There is a history of previous abnormal pap smear tests.

The risk factors for cervical cancer above are important for Hermina's friends to know so that in the future Hermina's friends can be more careful and, if necessary, carry out routine checks at the nearest health facility for early detection to avoid delays in cancer treatment.


Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms of cervical cancer will appear when the tumor has grown and can then push on nearby organs and disrupt healthy cells. The following are symptoms of cervical cancer that Hermina's friends need to be aware of:

  • Bleeding between menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse, or after menopause can be an early symptom of cervical cancer.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles or heavier or longer bleeding are also signs.
  • Vaginal discharge that changes color, odor, or consistency, especially if it comes with blood.
  • Pain in the pelvic area or lower back can occur when cancer has spread to nearby tissues or organs.
  • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) can be a sign of cancer, especially if it has reached a more advanced stage.
  • In advanced stages, this condition can cause excessive fatigue and weight loss for no apparent reason can occur.

If Hermina's friend has several symptoms or complaints that indicate cervical cancer, don't be afraid to get checked as soon as possible, so that you get proper treatment and care, so that the danger can be minimized.

