


It's no stranger to hearing about this disease, pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs is one of the main causes of death in Indonesia, it's even one of the top 10 deadliest diseases in Indonesia.

Pneumonia or pneumonia is an infectious disease / inflammation of the lungs caused by various microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. The most common cause of pneumonia or pneumonia is due to infection with the Streptococcus Pneumonia (Pneumokukus) bacteria.

In pneumonia the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs which should be filled with air are filled with pus which causes complaints such as:



•Hard to breathe

•Chest pain

Pneumonia can be transmitted through the air or blood splashes. Pneumonia can occur in children, adults, and the elderly.

The following conditions a person is at risk of developing pneumonia:

• People with a weakened immune system


• Exposure to hazardous chemicals

• Long bed rest (lying for about 24 hours a day)

Under certain conditions pneumonia can be severe and cause complications such as:

• Difficulty breathing

• Collection of pus in the lung (lung abscess)

• Accumulation of fluid in the pleural space between the lining that covers the lungs and the lining that attaches to the chest wall (pleural effusion)

• Bacteremia (bacteria enter the bloodstream and have the potential to cause heart and kidney failure

Prevention of pneumonia can do the following things:

• Applying a healthy lifestyle

• Consumption of balanced nutrition

• Regular exercise

• Maintain immunity with enough rest

•Do not smoke

Groups at risk for pneumonia:

• Chronic lung disease

• Chronic heart disease

• Chronic kidney disease

• Asthma

• Diabetes

Pneumonia Treatment

Treatment and management for cases of pneumonia is to overcome the infection that occurs and provide supportive therapy. The doctor will give antibiotics which must be consumed until they run out if the infection is caused by bacteria. While the supportive therapy given can be in the form of:

• Fever-reducing drugs if the person has a high fever and interferes with activities

• Cough medicine to reduce the frequency of coughing or to liquefy phlegm that doesn't get out

Doctors also recommend that sufferers be hospitalized, if several of these conditions occur:

• Aged >65 years

• Experiencing impaired consciousness

• Have poor kidney function

• Very low blood pressure (<90/<60 mmHg)

• Very fast breathing (in devassa >30 x/min)

• Body temperature below normal

• Pulse rate <50x/minute or >100x/minute

If you experience the symptoms above, immediately see a doctor to get further treatment. Proper handling can minimize the consequences, so treatment can be done more quickly.
