Recognize the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids ?

Recognize the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids ?

Hemorrhoids are a disease caused by veins (veins) in the area inside the anus and the outside that swell and cause obstruction to the flow. Hemorrhoids or also known as hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) is a condition that generally doesn't cause symptoms and can get better in a matter of days. However, in severe conditions, hemorrhoids can cause pain, itching, and bleeding after defecation.

Hemorrhoids occur due to increased pressure on the veins in the rectal area.

What are the factors that can cause hemorrhoids / ambient?

  • descendants
  • A less fibrous diet
  • Chronic constipation/constipation
  • Sitting or squatting on the toilet for too long
  • Other conditions that increase pressure in the abdomen, such as pregnancy, strenuous physical activity, obesity

Hemorrhoid symptoms

The signs and symptoms that appear due to hemorrhoids depend on the type of hemorrhoids that are experienced. Here is the explanation:

External hemorrhoids

This type of hemorrhoid is characterized by swollen veins outside the anus so that they can be seen from the outside. Symptoms that can appear on external hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids are :

  • Itching or irritation, pain and swelling around the anus
  • Pain when touching the lump hanging outside the anus
  • Bleeding during bowel movements

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids occur when the swollen veins are inside the anus so that they cannot be seen or felt from the outside. Symptoms that can be found in this type of hemorrhoid are :

  • Bleeding when defecating without pain
  • Pain when straining, if the hemorrhoids cause a lump to come out of the anus (prolapse)
  • Itching in the anus

Ambien symptoms can be recognized from these several characteristics :

  • Itching, discomfort, or pain in the anal area are early symptoms
  • The appearance of a bulge in the anus when straining
  • There is fresh blood in the stool or around the toilet bowl after defecation, or marks on the tissue
  • There are lumps around the anus that don't go away and cause severe pain

Hemorrhoids/hemorrhoids which are still in the early stages, can be treated with medical treatment and lifestyle changes first

Ambien can be treated in several ways including:

1. Provision of drugs for hemorrhoids/hemorrhoids, both in the form of oral medication and drugs that are inserted from the rectum

2. Consume healthy foods, namely fibrous foods such as vegetables, whole grains, cereals, nuts, and fruits

3. Drink plenty of water, don't make it a habit to hold your bowel movements or when you strain during your bowel movements

4. Soak warm water in the rectal area regularly, for 10-15 minutes a day.


When to see a doctor?

Check with your doctor if you experience symptoms of hemorrhoids as previously mentioned, or if the symptoms do not improve after you have done self-care for 7 days. Also check with your doctor if the above complaints are accompanied by symptoms of a more serious disease or condition, such as:

  • Change in stool color and consistency
  • Changes in bowel pattern that has lasted a long time
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Dizzy
  • Faint

If there are complaints and they don't get better, consult a doctor for further treatment.



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