Recognize the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids and Risk Factors

Recognize the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids and Risk Factors

Hemorrhoids or commonly known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids is a condition in which a lump appears which is usually accompanied by bleeding in the anal area. This is caused due to dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels in the anal canal. This disease most often occurs at the age of 45-65 years and is influenced by lifestyle.


We recommend that this hemorrhoidal disease should be treated and examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Someone will realize that he is suffering from hemorrhoids when complaints arise from that person. Symptoms that are felt when experiencing hemorrhoids:

  • The appearance of a lump coming out of the anus accompanied by pain
  • There is fresh red bleeding and dripping or not mixed with feces during bowel movements
  • Itching around the anus
  • Pain around the anus
  • Sometimes there is mucus or dirt in the underwear
  • A burning feeling around the anus


A person can suffer from hemorrhoids if they have the following risks:

  • Sit too long
  • Frequent heavy lifting
  • Old age (most common age 45-65 years)
  • Pregnant women
  • Less fibrous foods
  • Less water consumption
  • Sitting position during defecation
  • Straining too hard and often during bowel movements
  • Cough that is too frequent and hard
  • Having a family history of having a similar disease
  • Taking blood-thinning drugs
  • History of previous anal area surgery


If someone has hemorrhoidal disease, they should immediately go to the doctor because the earlier the hemorrhoid is treated, the better the results. The first thing you can do yourself at home to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids is:

  • Increase consumption of high-fiber foods to avoid hard stools that cause straining during bowel movements
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day or the equivalent of 8 glasses of bottled water
  • Defecate in a squatting position or add/elevate a foothold on the toilet seat
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements
  • Don't be too rough when cleaning the anus or washing after defecation, which can cause injury from the lump to cause the lump to become more inflamed
  • Reduce lifting weights or sitting too long
  • Avoid sports that put pressure on the stomach or strain such as cycling, rowing, horseback riding, lifting weights
  • Do sports or physical activities such as swimming, jogging, yoga
  • Reduce body weight, overweight or obesity

It can be concluded that the disease is a disease that is influenced by lifestyle. There's no need to be afraid and get checked out as early as possible if you experience the symptoms mentioned above, don't wait too long for the lump to get bigger. The first treatment for hemorrhoids begins with changing your lifestyle, eating fibrous foods, getting enough water, and avoiding straining.

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