Learn which foods pregnant women should stay away from
Hermina's pals, in order to maintain the health of the fetus during pregnancy, nutritional requirements are crucial. This is because the food that pregnant women eat will have an impact on the fetus's growth and development. Certain foods should be avoided since they may be harmful to the fetus's health as well as its growth and development. What foods are hence not advised during pregnancy? To reduce the chance of poisoning or injury to the fetus, you should abstain from the following foods and beverages while pregnant:
1. Food that is uncooked or undercooked
Foods that are raw or undercooked should be avoided during pregnancy, including Sashimi, undercooked steak, and meat tartar are examples of raw meat. Risk: Infections with bacteria like Toxoplasma or Salmonella.
Raw eggs: Contains raw cake mix or homemade mayonnaise. Salmonella infection is a risk.
Raw shrimp and sushi are examples of raw seafood. Risk: Perilous parasites or germs.
2. Mercury levels in fish are high.
Large tuna, king mackerel, and swordfish are among the fish that contain mercury.
Risk: The development of the embryonic brain may be impacted by mercury.
3. Products Made from Unpasteurized Dairy
While milk is OK to drink while pregnant, some dairy products, such as raw milk and soft cheeses like feta, camembert, and brie, should not be taken during pregnancy.
Risk: An infection with listeria, which can lead to major pregnancy problems.
4. Liver and goods made from it
High levels of vitamin A, which can be harmful to the fetus in excess, are found in the liver.
5. Fruits & Vegetables Without Washing
Food that has not been properly cleaned runs the danger of becoming contaminated with pathogens like Toxoplasma or pesticides.
6. Food or Drinks with Alcohol
Because alcohol can harm the fetus's development (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), no amount of alcohol is safe to consume during pregnancy.
7. Too much coffee
No more than 200 mg of caffeine (from coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks) should be consumed in a single day. Risk: May result in miscarriage or poor birth weight.
8. Fast food that is heavy in salt or sugar
Steer clear of foods heavy in sugar, salt, or trans fats as they raise the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
- Make sure food is cooked through.
2. Select wholesome, fresh food.
For the optimum nutrition for your child's growth and well-being, Friends of Hermina, speak with a qualified obstetrician and gynecologist about your dietary requirements. This is because the fetus's growth and development in the womb will be impacted by whatever food or beverages the mother consumes. For inspections, advice, and other fascinating pregnancy-related information, speak with Dr. Yuri Iranda, Sp.OG, our Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist at Hermina Galaxy Hospital.
You can register with an Obsgyn Specialist by using:
Call center number: 1500-488
2. PT. Medikaloka Hermina Tbk's mobile applications (available for IOS and Android)
3. The Hermina Hospitals website
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