Know Asthma, Avoid Its Triggers!
Asthma is a respiratory disease that involves chronic inflammation of the airways with symptoms of bronchospasm (tightening of the bronchi/branches of the lungs) that can recover.
Signs and Symptoms:
1. In Adults: Cough, shortness of breath, episodic shortness of breath, sometimes accompanied by green, clear, or yellow phlegm
2. In Children: Lethargy or unwell, persistent cough that doesn't heal, especially at night, more than 10-14 days and followed by the flu.
Asthma Triggers include: Air pollution, cigarette smoke, dust, mold spores, cold air, chemical gases, insects, pollen, excessive exercise, animals, stress, anger/emotional state
Asthma Prevention:
1. Control the Environment by avoiding Allergens
2. Improve optimal health
3. Consume a Balanced Diet
4. Get enough rest, sleep, and regular exercise
5. Drink enough
6. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke
7. Breathing exercises
Asthma Management:
1. Recognize asthma deterioration (Increased cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath at night, decreased ability to exercise)
2. Increase medication and monitoring
3. If asthma continues to worsen, medication should be continued as directed by the doctor. If medication has been taken, but asthma still doesn't improve, seek immediate medical attention.
May World Asthma Day raise awareness about maintaining health through asthma prevention efforts and boosting our immune system for ourselves and others.
Let's raise awareness about asthma and work together to create a supportive environment for asthma sufferers. With proper prevention and management, we can create a better future for those living with asthma.
1. Ministry of Health Decree No. 1023/MENKES/SK/XI/2008: Guidelines for Asthma Control. 2008
2. Depok City Health Office. "What is Asthma?" :~:text=Asma%20adalah%20suatu%20penyakit%20dari,paru)%20yang%20dapat%20pulih%20kembali.
3. World Asthma Day 2022 :~:text=WAD%20is%20held%20each%20May,the%202022%20World%20Asthma%20Day.
4. Asthma