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Diabetes is not only experienced by people who are elderly. Teenagers or young people can also get diabetes. In fact, research shows that diabetes that attacks young children is even more dangerous. This is an important warning that diabetes experienced at a young age is more dangerous and difficult to treat.

Diabetes suffered by teenagers is probably caused by lifestyle and health problems. Factors such as genetics can increase a teenager's risk of developing diabetes, but many unhealthy lifestyles are the main problem that causes young people to develop diabetes.

Factors that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in adolescents include:

    Obesity (overweight)
    Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages
    Likes to eat sweet and ready-to-eat food
    Have a family member with diabetes
    Have a history of gestational diabetes
    Have high cholesterol levels
    Diagnosed with prediabetes

Having a diagnosis of prediabetes does not mean you have type diabetes. This means that your blood sugar is classified as high and above the normal limit value, but not too high to be categorized as diabetes. If left unchecked, you can get type 2 diabetes. The development of type 2 diabetes at a young age does tend to be dangerous, so it can become a complication of a more serious disease. Examples include retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease.

How to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus at a Young Age?


    Maintain ideal body weight

Obesity is one of the main factors that teenagers are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. When you feel you are overweight, you can reduce about 5-10% of your weight to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. A low-calorie and low-fat diet is highly recommended as the best way to lose weight and prevent diabetes
      2. Eat fruits and vegetables

By eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, you can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 22%. This fact is taken according to the results of a study on the diet for 12 years of 21,831 adults. The reduced risk is directly related to how much fruit and vegetables you eat.

   3. Replace sugar with low-calorie sweeteners

A health database that looked at 43,960 women showed that women who drank 2 or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day (eg soda or fruit juice) had a 25-30% higher risk of developing diabetes than those who did not. If necessary, you can use low-calorie sweeteners and contain chromium to improve insulin function in the body, thus helping diabetes in controlling blood sugar.

 4. Exercise regularly

To prevent diabetes in your teens, try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. This aims to maximize the achievement of weight loss targets and to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. In addition, exercise can also lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin levels in the body.

When should you consult a doctor?

Friends can consult a doctor or even do a medical check-up if you have complaints or a family history of having Diabetes Mellitus
