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Recognize the difference between hepatitis A, B and C

What is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver or liver. Hepatitis can be caused by alcohol consumption, drugs, autoimmune, and viral infections. The most common Hepatitis viruses are Hepatitis A, B, and C.
Hepatitis can occur in children - adults. In both, hepatitis can be found without typical symptoms, or with severe symptoms. Hepatitis is often diagnosed without symptoms, so it often causes delays in treatment.
Symptoms of Hepatitis are characterized by:
  • Fever
  • Tired easily
  • Yellow eyes
  • Upper right abdominal pain
  • In advanced conditions, it can cause the stomach to fill with fluid
Hepatitis A, B, and C are different viruses with different spread, severity and treatment.
Hepatitis A, generally has typical symptoms but can heal on its own with proper treatment
Hepatitis B, and C can have no symptoms at all, but if not detected and treated can lead to advanced liver damage such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Characteristics of the Hepatitis Virus :
1. Hepatitis A
Transmission: Contaminated food
Symptoms: Fast and typical
Acute / Chronic : Only acute
Treatment: Treatment can heal itself with appropriate supportive therapy
Vaccine available: Available
2. Hepatitis B
Transmission: Blood contact, sexual intercourse, or passed down from mother to child
Symptoms: Often asymptomatic until it becomes chronic
Acute/Chronic: Can be acute or chronic
Treatment: There are antiviral drugs
Vaccine available: Available
3. Hepatitis C
Transmission: Blood contact, needles, sexual intercourse
Symptoms: Often asymptomatic until it becomes chronic
Acute/Chronic: Can be acute or chronic
Treatment: There are antiviral drugs
Vaccine available: No
Hepatitis is often considered "The silent killer" because patients are often asymptomatic until it becomes chronic.
Even though the condition of patients with these conditions is very important to get treatment before severe symptoms appear.
Regular medical check-ups can be done to prevent complications from hepatitis.
