Recognize when your baby has a tantrum

Recognize when your baby has a tantrum

Hello Hermina Friends, who has ever been in a situation where a child was crying and having a tantrum and it was difficult to calm down? Or is it a mother or even a mother who has experienced this situation? A child who throws a tantrum for no apparent reason is angry. Tantrums are emotional outbursts that are very common in children aged 1.5 to 4 years. Tantrums are usually associated with intense anger, loud screaming, stubbornness and difficulty calming down. In fact, children at this age are still not good enough to express their desires and feelings in words, so emotional actions are manifested in their little ones.
There are two types of tantrums, namely manipulative tantrums and frustrated tantrums. Manipulative tantrums occur when your child is rejected or his wishes cannot be fulfilled. Usually children throw manipulative tantrums to get other people to do what they want.
Frustration is caused by a child's inability to express their desires and feelings properly. This condition is sensitive in children as young as 18 months. Because he couldn't pronounce the word properly. Besides having difficulty expressing their feelings, children can also experience frustrated tantrums when they feel tired, hungry, or when they feel they have failed at something.
Then how do you deal with a child who is having a tantrum?
1. Overcome his aggressive behavior
A child having a tantrum can do some aggressive things. For example hitting, hitting or throwing things, kicking something. When this happens, you need to gently tell your child that hurting others or breaking things is bad, in language they can easily understand.
2. Ignore the child
The first thing you can do to deal with tantrums is to ignore them and stop paying attention to them to prevent the child's anger from escalating. However, this neglect should only occur when the child is not in a dangerous situation. Therefore, remember to be calm, leave the child alone for a while and come back after a while.
3. Let the child be angry
Tantrums just need to vent their anger. So let the child get angry when he throws a tantrum, as long as he doesn't do anything that can harm himself. This method is believed to help children learn how to vent their anger in a non-destructive way. Therefore, children are expected to be able to control themselves well without having to argue with their parents.
4. Parents refrain from shouting
When parents yell when their child is angry, usually the child will scream in unison with his voice. Because that's what children do, so they can participate in communication on an equal footing with their parents. Therefore, when your child is angry, you as a parent must be able to avoid yelling and swearing at him with great emotion.
5. Help children do things they cannot do
Tantrums can be triggered by simple things like a child trying to put shoes on but can't. If that's the case, parents can gently ask why he's upset and help him with things he can't do alone.
It's normal for children aged 4-6 to still have tantrums
While tantrums are normal, that doesn't mean parents can let them go when they cross the line. Don't let your child use tantrums as a weapon to get what he wants. The normal age of tantrums in children is 4 years. If this age is exceeded, we can talk about an educational error on the part of the parents.
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