anemia, kesehatan anak, anak, ayah dan ibu, kesehatan

Recognize Anemia in Children and Take Appropriate Preventive Measures

Anemia is one of the health problems in children that all parents must watch out for. If anemia is allowed to drag on, the child's health can experience a significant decline, and growth can be disrupted. Let's recognize the signs of anemia in children and find out what preventive measures are recommended to prevent this from happening.

Signs of Anemia in Children

Often, anemia is taken for granted, and its signs are not properly noticed by parents. It's true that the signs of anemia are almost the same as those of ordinary fatigue, even though the condition is quite dangerous. Here are some signs of anemia that are important to know :

1. Easily Weak and Tired

Children who are anemic will obviously feel more lethargic and tired. This is a common symptom shown by people with anemia. The body cannot produce enough red blood cells. even though these red blood cells function to supply oxygen to all parts of the body so that children have enough energy to move.

2. Pale skin

Another sign that appears when a child has anemia is that his skin turns pale. Children with anemia do not have enough red blood cells, so blood flow to all parts of the body will also be disrupted. In addition to the skin area, the lips will also be paler than usual. Even if you pay attention, the part of the nail that should be pink can also turn pale.

3. Yellowing of the skin and eyelids

One of the causes of anemia is a condition in which the body destroys a lot of red blood cells. Usually, this condition occurs in children who have a family history of blood disorders. If this anemia affects children, signs will appear in the form of yellowing of the skin and eyelids.

4. It's Simple to Become Infected

Children who have anemia will also experience a decrease in their immune system. If the immune system becomes weak, the child will be more susceptible to infection. The types of infections that can attack children are also very diverse, and of course, parents have to watch out for them so they don't have a fatal impact on their children's health.

5. Easier Fussy

When a child is fussy, it means that something is wrong with his body. Children feel uncomfortable, so they end up being fussy more often. Children who have anemia will usually feel weak and dizzy, so they are not comfortable doing activities. That is why children with anemia are usually more fussy.

Children can show different signs of anemia. On average, they will feel weak, dizzy, and sleep more often. If a child starts showing these signs and is not as active as usual, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the specific condition.

Preventing Childhood Anemia

Recognize the signs of anemia in children so Friends of Hermina can detect and treat it as early as possible. However, it would be much better if Friends of Hermina could prevent anemia in children from occurring. Here are some steps you can take to prevent anemia in your baby :

1. Meet iron requirements

First of all, the Friends of Hermina must try to meet the intake of iron in the child's body. One of the main causes of anemia in children is iron deficiency. As a result, make sure your child gets enough iron.The main thing is to provide iron through food, which can be supported with supplements if it is felt to be lacking.

2. Limit milk consumption.

Try to limit the consumption of milk among children. Actually, milk consumption is good for children's growth. However, if the portion is not controlled and becomes excessively large, the child becomes unable to eat. Even though one way to meet the needs of iron in a child's body is through food, Do not rush to give cow's milk to children who are under 12 months old. In that age range, children are better off receiving breast milk. Although the iron content of breast milk is lower than that of cow's milk, breast milk is far more easily digested by a child's body. So, as much as possible, give breast milk so that the child gets enough iron.

3. Perform routine checks

It is highly recommended to carry out routine checks because we never know whether the child's body has received adequate iron or not. It is preferable to have regular doctor consultations and examinations.This is done to control the iron in the child's body. If it is discovered that children's iron levels are still low, parents can take immediate action.

Recognize the signs of anemia in children as early as possible. The sooner the signs of anemia are recognized, the sooner Hermina's Friends can take the right steps for treatment. Do not let this anemia condition drag on because it can hinder the growth and development of the child. Ask the doctor for help to overcome this problem of anemia so that the child returns to health as usual.
