Why is it possible to get addicted to porn and martyrdom?

Why is it possible to get addicted to porn and martyrdom?

Confession of a man addicted to pornography and masturbation, this is what happened to his body

A man in Nigeria named Joshua Simon opened up about his pornography addiction. The condition caused him to have nightmares that damaged his health.
It started when he discovered porn sites at the age of 12 and started masturbating secretly. However, everything changed when Joshua got his first cell phone at the age of 16 and accessed porn easily.

His addiction to porn and masturbation intensified over the course of five years. In fact, Joshua once spent an entire night watching porn and masturbating three times a day.

A person is said to be addicted to pornography when pornographic videos have impacted their daily life, such as the breakdown of relationships or even the loss of a job. This condition is considered a psychological disorder and needs to be addressed to improve the quality of life of the sufferer.

The addiction will usually lead the sufferer to spend a lot of time watching porn videos, instead of doing something more useful, such as finishing work or even interacting with other people.

Causes of Pornography Addiction

Pornography addiction can be classified as a hypersexual disorder or sex maniac. The cause of pornography addiction is not known for sure. However, like other addiction problems, pornography addiction may be caused by some of these things:

1. Natural chemical imbalances in the brain

Certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, are responsible for regulating one's mood. If the levels of these chemicals are too high, aggressive behaviors can arise from a person which can lead to pornography addiction.

2. Changes in brain function

Frequent exposure to pornography can cause the brain's chemical compounds that give rise to gratification to work relentlessly. Over time, this can change the way the brain works.

In the case of pornography addiction, the more a person watches porn videos, the more sexual stimulation the brain needs to get aroused. As a result, the brain will "request" porn videos to get more sexual stimulation.

3. Conditions that affect the brain

Some conditions that alter how the brain works, such as epilepsy or dementia, can cause damage to parts of the brain that can affect a person's sexual behavior.

Pornography addiction can happen to anyone, both women and men. People who already have addictions to other things are also more susceptible to porn addiction. This can be influenced by the easy access to pornographic content today.

In addition, the risk of developing pornography addiction is also higher in people who have mental health disorders, such as depression, family conflict, or experience of sexual abuse.

Signs and symptoms of pornography addiction

pornography addiction

Watching porn videos is normal. However, if you find yourself experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's time to stop before the addiction takes its toll.

Can't control the urge to watch pornographic shows.
Always thinking about everything related to pornography during your free time.
Spending more time watching pornographic content than doing productive activities.
The desire to commit sexual harassment arises because of the videos watched.
Having to watch pornography before getting into bed.
Getting upset when you have to stop watching.
Always uses pornography to cope with negative emotions.
Addiction to masturbation.

If you feel any of the above symptoms, consult a psychologist or psychiatrist immediately. That way, the addiction can be treated immediately before it gets worse.


Confession of a Man Addicted to Pornography and Masturbation, This is What Happened to His Body (detik.com)

Pornography Addiction: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Alodokter

Signs of Pornography Addiction and How to Overcome It (hellosehat.com)

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