Abnormal Vaginal Discharge Could Be an Indication of a Sexually Transmitted Infection

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge Could Be an Indication of a Sexually Transmitted Infection

Vaginal discharge is a normal thing experienced by women, namely the discharge of thick, clear mucus which is the body's way of keeping the vagina clean and moist and protecting it from infection.

Did Hermina's friends know that there are certain conditions that can make vaginal discharge in women become abnormal and can indicate a problem with the female reproductive organs, such as an indication of infection with a sexually transmitted disease?


Causes of Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is actually a normal thing for women. This occurs as part of healthy body function due to natural changes in estrogen levels.

  • Normal vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a normal condition experienced by every woman. The amount, color and texture of vaginal discharge experienced by each woman can vary, ranging from thick and sticky vaginal discharge, to clear and watery vaginal discharge. Normal vaginal discharge occurs at least 6 months before a woman experiences her first menstruation. This condition is influenced by hormonal changes in the body. Vaginal discharge also normally comes out when a woman receives sexual stimulation, is breastfeeding, or experiences stress.

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be caused by fungal, bacterial or parasitic infections. Infections in abnormal vaginal discharge are divided into two types, namely non-infectious infections and infectious infections. The causes of vaginal discharge from non-infectious infections include bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. Meanwhile, vaginal discharge from infectious infections is generally caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.


Vaginal Discharge is a Symptom of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Vaginal infections can occur due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Symptoms of vaginal discharge due to sexually transmitted diseases cause the consistency, odor and color of the fluid to change. Changes in the color of vaginal discharge due to sexually transmitted diseases that need to be watched out for.

  • Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms of this sexually transmitted disease cause white, gray, yellow or green vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge due to trichomoniasis also has a thick texture, smells bad, and is foamy. This sexually transmitted disease also causes the vaginal walls to become reddish, painful and burning, and painful when urinating or having sexual intercourse.

  • Chlamydia

Many people do not realize they have chlamydia. Because, in many cases, this sexually transmitted disease does not cause any symptoms at all. Even if there is, chlamydia symptoms usually appear 1-3 weeks after infection. Several symptoms arise, including yellow or green vaginal discharge and a burning sensation when urinating.

  • Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea can cause watery, green or yellow vaginal discharge. Apart from that, this sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus causes symptoms in the form of pain or burning when urinating.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

This infection actually causes no symptoms at all in some women. The main complaint of bacterial vaginosis is usually vaginal discharge that is grayish white and has a fishy smell, especially after intercourse and during menstruation.

  • Candidiasis of intimate organs

This infection is caused by Candida Sp. Symptoms that arise can include; The vagina feels very itchy, there is pain and a burning sensation when urinating, the vaginal discharge is lumpy like cheese and gives off an unpleasant odor, which smells slightly sour and the vagina is swollen and reddish.


Therefore, being sensitive to health is very important for us to do as an effort to prevent disease or health problems in the body. And one effort that can be made is to maintain the health of sensitive areas, such as paying attention to the texture, shape and aroma of the fluid that comes out of the vagina. So that when something or an abnormal condition occurs, it can be handled immediately and treated quickly and appropriately.

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