bedahorthopedi, bedah orthopedi traumatologi

Sprains, which are sure to be massaged, can have a fatal impact.

A muscle strain, often referred to as a sprain, is a stretch that causes a muscle to tear. Most of the causes of muscle strain occur when the muscle is stretched beyond the limit or the muscle is forced to contract too strongly. In mild cases, only some of the muscle fibers are stretched or torn, but the muscle is still strong. However, in severe cases, the stretched muscle may be torn and unable to function properly.

Muscle strains can be divided into three degrees of muscle damage:

1. Grade I or mild muscle strain: only a few of the muscle fibers are stretched or torn. Even though it is painful, the muscles can still function normally.

2. Grade II or moderate muscle strain: more muscle fibers are stretched or torn, and there is more severe pain than grade I, accompanied by tenderness in the injured muscle.

3. Grade III or severe muscle stain: the muscle has a tear from the upper tendon of the muscle to the lower tendon of the muscle. In this grade III muscle strain, it can result in loss of muscle function, severe pain, swelling of the torn muscle, tenderness, and striking discoloration, and can be followed by the appearance of a gap between one muscle and another under the skin.

Symptoms felt in muscle strains:

  • Muscle pain and tenderness, especially after stretching muscles. Pain usually increases with movement of the injured muscle and can be relieved by resting the injured muscle.
  • Muscle swelling or bruising and discoloration of the subcutaneous tissue
  • Stiffness and cramps in injured muscles

  • Decreased muscle function or loss of muscle function in grade III muscle strains

  • There is a gap in the muscle that is seriously injured.

  • Weakness in injured muscles

Prevention that can be done to prevent injury to the muscles, among others:

  • Warm up before participating in activities or exercising. 


    Maintain an ideal body weight because being overweight can cause stress on the muscles, especially in the back and legs.

    Increase the intensity of muscle training gradually.

    Practice good posture when standing and sitting.

  • Use proper technique when lifting heavy weights.

Handling options available when a muscle injury occurs (PRICE), including: 

  • Protect

           Protect from further injury, for example, by using a brace.

  • Rest

           Rest the ankle for 48–72 hours after the injury. Consider using a walking cane. However, the ankle should not be rested for too long, as this can delay healing.

  • Ice

           Use within 10-30 minutes of an injury (less than 10 minutes has little effect). More than 30 minutes can damage the skin. Do not place ice directly on the skin, as it can cause cold sores. Press gently on the injured area. This compress can reduce pain, inflammation, and bruising.               Some doctors recommend compressing for 15 minutes every hour for the first 48–72 hours.

  • Compression

           Pressure from a bandage can reduce swelling and help the joint rest. Do not use the bandage too tightly. Remove the bandage before going to bed, and it is recommended to remove the bandage after 48 hours so that the joint can move.

  • Elevation

           Aims to limit and reduce swelling. which can be done by lifting the injured muscle or propping it up using a pillow in a position that is higher than the heart so that the swelling that occurs is immediately reduced.

Avoid harm for the next 72 hours: 

  • Heat

Hot water, sauna, and hot compresses are examples. Heat promotes blood flow, which will increase bruising and inflammation. Thus, heat should be avoided when inflammation occurs.

  • Alkohol

may increase bleeding and swelling and decrease healing.

  • Running

may cause further injury.

  • Massage

Massage can increase bleeding and swelling. However, after 72 hours, a light massage can be done.

What happens when you rush a massage?

An injury to a sprained muscle can involve damage to tendons, joint capsules, bones, cartilage, nerves, or other soft tissues. If the massage is carried out immediately and without prior examination, it can exacerbate injuries such as tendon or ligament tears.

Contraindications massage:

  • In the acute stage of muscle rupture, the severed muscle may still bleed. Massage will increase bleeding and tissue damage and slow healing. After the first 48–72 hours, massage can be performed, depending on the extent of the muscle injury.
  • A partial rupture or tear of a muscle or tendon


Created by Dr. Carmelia Suharsa

Reviewed by Dr. Sandy Armand, SpOT

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