anak, tumbuh kembang anak

Know the Stages of Optimal Child Development

Know the Stages of Optimal Child Development


Understanding the stages of child development is very important as part of the parenting pattern. Child growth and development includes not only physical changes that occur from infancy to adolescence, but also changes in emotions, personality, behavior, thinking, and speech. Children's development is in line with their understanding and interaction with the world around them. Skills such as smiling, crawling, or walking for the first time are referred to as developmental milestones. Parents need to note and understand these milestones to ensure optimal child development.

There are many factors that influence the growth and development of children. These include genetics, gender, nutrition, physical activity, health issues, environment, and hormones. The development of boys and girls is generally different.


Stimulation of Children's Brain Development


Stimulation of brain tissue is very important during a child's golden period. The more stimulation that parents give to children, the brain nerve cells will increase and are interconnected. Conversely, if the child is never given stimulation, then the development of nerve cells is not optimal. This is what causes children's development to be hampered.

The development of children's skills occurs very quickly in the first two years of age. For this reason, it is important for parents to always pay attention and practice motor, sensory and language skills according to age stages.

Lack of stimulation in children can affect the development of brain intelligence, developmental deviations, and even permanent developmental disorders. The following stimulation can be given according to his age:


1. Age 0-4 Months

Often hugs and cuddles with love. Hang brightly colored objects that move and can be seen by the child. Encourage children to smile, talk, and listen to music to help brain growth and memory. Children can do tummy time for 5-10 minutes gradually and do it when the child is not sleeping.


2. Age 4-6 Months

Often on the child's stomach. Move the object left and right, in front of his eyes. Listen to various sounds. Give toys large and colorful objects to respond quickly to sound.


3. Age 6-12 Months

Teach children to sit, play peek-a-boo, teach them to hold and eat biscuits, teach them to hold small objects with 2 fingers, stand up and walk holding hands, talk as often as possible, practice saying ma.. ma.. pa.. Pa, give me a toy that's safe to hit.


4. Age 1-2 Years

Teach them to walk on the steps/stairs, ask them to clean the table and sweep, invite them to clean up toys, teach them to scribble on paper, teach them to name their body parts, read children's stories, invite them to sing, and invite them to play.


5. Age 2-3 Years

Teach them to dress themselves, take them to see picture books, read children's stories, teach them to eat on their own plates, teach them to wash their hands, teach them to defecate and urinate in their place.


6. 3-5 Years Old

Ask the child to tell what he is doing, listen to him when he talks, if he stutters, teach him to speak slowly, supervise the child when trying new things.


All parents certainly hope that their child's growth and development can be optimal, if it is felt that something is not in accordance with the child's growth and development from the initial stage to the next stage, please immediately consult with a Pediatrician at Hermina Podomoro Hospital.
