Ramadan tips for elderly

Ramadan tips for elderly

The month of fasting is a month that many Muslims all over the world look forward to, from children to the elderly, many of whom welcome it with joy when the month of Ramadan enters. However, fasting is not required for some groups such as pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and the elderly for reasons of body condition and health. However, if the elderly still want to fast then there are no obstacles for the elderly.
Based on research, fasting is good for body health because it can improve a person's digestive system and metabolism. Likewise for the elderly, fasting of course also has a positive impact on body health, including:

  • For elderly people with a history of cardiovascular disease, fasting can improve cholesterol levels and better control blood sugar
  • For elderly menopausal people, by fasting the levels of neurohormones that cause stress can be balanced and mental health is better maintained.

So how can the elderly or elderly people observe fasting so as not to endanger their health?

The following are safe tips for elderly people who fast:

1. Don't miss eating sahur, because the food eaten at sahur will provide energy to sustain fasting for a long time

2. Break the fast immediately when it is time

3. Pay attention to the type of food consumed while fasting:
Eat foods that are high in protein and low in fat such as; chicken breast, tofu, tempeh, broccoli, tuna, and egg whites
Limit foods that contain lots of simple sugars such as granulated sugar, palm sugar, syrup, jam, jelly, candied fruit, sweetened condensed milk, ice cream, dodol, sweet cakes and chocolate.
Limit foods that contain a lot of fat, such as fast food and foods that are processed by frying
Limit foods that contain lots of sodium such as salted fish, salted eggs and canned foods

4. Drink lots of water when breaking the fast and sahu, so you don't become dehydrated when fasting. And try to always drink 8 glasses of water per day, namely:

  • 1 glass before bed
  • 1 glass after tarawih prayers
  • 1 glass after Isha prayer
  • 1 glass after dinner
  • 1 glass when breaking the fast
  • 1 glass after maghrib prayer
  • 1 glass after eating sahur
  • 1 glass after waking up at dawn

5. Adjust your sleep pattern during the fasting month by:

  • Sleep faster because you will wake up faster when you eat sahur.
  • Try Power Nap, namely sleeping for 20 minutes between activities to restore stamina
  • Pay attention to the sleeping environment to ensure sleep quality, such as quiet conditions and minimal light.

6. Do light intensity physical activity such as brisk walking or jogging for 30 minutes per day, paying attention to your body condition. Stop when you are tired and don't force yourself to continue exercising.

Elderly age is not an obstacle for someone to continue fasting if someone continues to follow a healthy lifestyle and a good diet.

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