
Elderly Healthy Tips

Everyone who has entered the elderly or elderly stage certainly wants to enjoy the 'twilight' days with a sense of happiness. Unfortunately, maintaining the health of the elderly is not an easy matter. There are many challenges that must be faced, given the condition of the body of the elderly who are already very vulnerable to various types of diseases. It is undeniable, increasing age will certainly make the body undergo many changes. This process is called aging, and the changes that are felt include all parts of the body. Starting from the skin that tends to be dry and wrinkled, the growth of gray hair, to changes in the internal organs.

The right lifestyle adjustments can also help Sahabat Hermina prevent various serious diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Well, there are several ways that Friends of Hermina can do to maintain the health of the elderly, such as the following:

1. Stay Active

Physical activity is carried out with moderate to light intensity, such as walking, cycling, swimming or gymnastics. Such aerobic exercise can improve blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout the body. In addition, exercise can also slow down the onset of dementia symptoms, control weight, maintain bone and muscle endurance, and improve sleep quality.

2. Healthy Eating Pattern

Tips for maintaining the fitness of the elderly can then be done by changing their diet to be healthier. This one thing needs to be accustomed from a young age, so that you get used to it until you are old. The recommended diet is eating foods low in saturated fat, fish with high omega-3 content, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.

Regarding drinks that are suitable for consumption, it is recommended to meet fluid intake by consuming lots of water. The elderly are also allowed to consume tea, coffee and fruit juices with less sugar. As much as possible avoid drinks that are too cold and sweet. Instead of buying it, Sahabat Hermina can make it yourself at home so that it is guaranteed to be healthy and clean.

3. Rest or Sleep Enough

Sleep disturbances are one of the most common problems experienced by the elderly. In this regard, Sahabat Hermina is advised to fulfill the need for rest with adequate sleep. If you have quality sleep, it will have an impact on both your physical and mental health. If you want to sleep comfortably, adjust the room temperature comfortably, and turn off the lights. Use a humidifier and aromatherapy if needed.

4. Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Did you know that being overweight or obese increases the risk of experiencing various serious diseases? This also applies to people with old age. Therefore, maintaining an ideal body weight is also beneficial for improving the health of the elderly. People who are overweight usually have a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, sleep disorders, and osteoarthritis.

5. Conducting Regular Health Checks

Increasing age was found to increase the risk of experiencing various diseases. No wonder the elderly are very susceptible to various serious diseases. The most common cause is a weakened immune system. Therefore, to maintain health, the elderly need to have regular check-ups with the doctor. This is so that the elderly and other family members can regularly monitor their health conditions. That way, if certain symptoms appear, the elderly and their families can immediately carry out further examinations or take action.

The reason is, the longer the condition of the elderly is diagnosed and received treatment, the worse his body condition will be. This of course can complicate the treatment process plan. During treatment, you should note the progress of the elderly's health. In addition, it is routine to take medicine according to the recommendations and prescriptions from the doctor. If the use of drugs causes side effects, consult your doctor to replace with other drugs.

6. Live a happy life

One of the recipes for healthy living for the elderly that is often overlooked is to live a happy life. Find happiness in the little things around you. Be grateful for the existence of people who care about Friends of Hermina. It may sound very easy, but the various changes in life and the many losses experienced can make you forget what it feels like to be happy and grateful. The problem is, getting too carried away with sadness can be stressful and depressing.

Both of these things have a high potential to affect physical and mental health. Therefore, living life happily and gratefully can help Sahabat Hermina keep her mind and heart calm. That way, Sahabat Hermina is not easily sad, stressed, and depressed, so that her physical and mental health is maintained. Friends of Hermina can apply the "HAPPY" Healthy Tips for the Elderly from Prof. Dr. R. Boedhi Darmojo, as follows:

- B (excess weight to be avoided/reduced)

- A (Arrange food in a balanced way)

- H (Avoid risk factors for degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, etc.)

- A (To continue to be useful by having useful activities / hobbies)

- G (Regular exercise is mandatory)

- I (Iman and taqwa are increased, avoid and deal with stressful situations)

- A (Monitor health by checking periodically)

Even though he is old, it does not mean that Friends of Hermina are resigned to the situation and let the disease continue to come. Therefore, apply the tips for maintaining the health of the elderly as conveyed so that Friends of Hermina are able to enjoy their old days with optimal conditions, be happy, and far from disease. If Friends of Hermina have health complaints, they can consult at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital!
