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Complete Peel Cataract Surgery Without Sutures (Phacoemulsification)

Eyes are one of the body's senses that function to see. Eyes can adjust to distance and light when looking at objects. Damage to the eye can also occur in every human being. This can cause a person to experience decreased vision function to cause blindness. Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness, but they are not permanent.

Cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye turns cloudy or cloudy. In our eyes, the eye lens serves as a tool to focus the incoming light from the pupil to the retina. If the lens of the eye has become cloudy, the visual acuity will be impaired, so further examination is needed to determine whether cataract surgery is necessary. One of the obstacles to the high number of cases of blindness due to cataracts is the lack of information about proper management. Many think the surgery is horrific, causes bleeding and takes a long time to recover.

Did you know that current technology has grown more sophisticated, including in the health sector, one of which is a cataract surgery technique without stitches, or what is known as phacoemulsification (phacoemulsification).

What is Phacoemulsification?
Phacoemulsification is a cataract surgery technique using an ultrasonic wavy machine. Phacoemulsification aims to improve the vision of patients who are impaired due to cataracts. In phacoemulsification, the cataract will be crushed into small fragments and sucked through a probe the size of a pencil, then an implanted lens is placed according to the patient's refractive size. After surgery, further hospitalization is not required and the patient can go home immediately.

Why is Phacoemulsification necessary?

This procedure is done to restore the patient's vision that is blurred or cloudy due to cataracts. Signs and symptoms of cataracts can include:

  1. Blurred vision like fog/foggy glass
  2. Fog when you see the light
  3. Reduced color contrast
  4. Frequently changing eyeglass sizes
  5. Colors appear paler or yellowish
  6. Double vision when looking with eyes that have cataracts
  7. At first, cataracts only occur in a small part of the eye's lens. So the patient may not be aware of any visual disturbances.

Over time, cataracts will make the lens more cloudy and interfere with the passage of light through the lens. Symptoms in the form of blurred vision will begin to be felt by the patient.

What are the advantages of Phacoemulsification?
Some of the advantages of cataract surgery using the Phaco Emulsification technique include:

  1. Very small incision (± 2.75 mm)
  2. Fast processing (± 15 minutes)
  3. No Stitch
  4. Patients can go home immediately after surgery
  5. Faster treatment and recovery
  6. Can be performed at all levels of cataract
  7. Reduces pain, stiffness and discomfort after surgery

Hermina Pandanaran General Hospital has opened cataract treatment services with the Phacoemulsification technique. With modern surgical techniques, Friends of Hermina do not need to hesitate because with this technique healing is faster and there is no need to stay in the hospital so that they can immediately return to their activities.
