lansia, lansiasehat, kesehatanlansia, spesialispenyakitdalam

Healthy, Active and Productive Elderly

Specifically, the elderly group according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is everyone who is 60 years old (and over), both those who are still productive (still working) and those who are no longer productive. Even those aged 46-59 years are considered "close to" the elderly, or called "pre-elderly".

Elderly is a human life cycle that is almost certainly experienced by everyone. The current reality every time we mention the word "Elderly" that comes to mind is someone who is helpless and has many health complaints. Even though the elderly can actually be empowered as subjects in health development. Life experience places the elderly not only as people who are elderly and respected in their environment, but also can act as agents of change in the family environment and surrounding communities in creating healthy families, by utilizing the experiences they already have and are enriched by the provision of knowledge appropriate health.

According to the 2007 Riskesdas, Hypertension & Cataracts are the highest percentage of diseases experienced by the elderly.

Tips for healthy and independent elderly:


1. Avoid unhealthy lifestyles


Certain behaviors that have been repeatedly implemented, so that they become settled and routine, difficult to change (cultured). Based on strong beliefs because of strong needs and a solid value system so that it seems as if it has become solid, one cannot live without this behavior. Unhealthy lifestyle namely stress caused by insomnia, depression, anxiety, hypertension, obesity, smoking, alcoholism, asthma attacks, angina pectoris, TIA & stroke.

One way to apply to avoid unhealthy lifestyles is Cultivating & Applying a Healthy & Active Lifestyle:

- Reduce consumption of foods high in fat, salt, eat more vegetables & sugar, fruit.

- Actively move, improve physical activity & physical fitness, and exercise regularly.

- Deal with stress. Quit smoking, consumption of alcohol & drugs.

- PEM & regular health consultations (visit the elderly posyandu and the elderly courtesy health center routinely).


2. Balanced nutrition

Food eaten daily, which contains energy, builder and regulatory substances in sufficient quantities according to the needs and condition of the body and consists of a wide variety of foodstuffs. Adequate and balanced food consumption will be beneficial for the elderly, especially those who are not affected by other diseases or illnesses.

The nutritional needs of the elderly are influenced by:

- Age factor

- Gender

- Physical activity

- Profession

- Climate/temperature

- Physical condition (being sick/recovered)


3. Doing activities and sports

Physical activity is any body movement that increases energy and energy expenditure. Sport is a form of physical activity of the body's muscles which, if carried out properly, correctly, measurably and regularly, will improve physical fitness. Physical fitness is the body's ability to do daily work without causing significant fatigue.

Types of physical activity and sports that can be done by the elderly:

- Doing homework

- Strolling

- Jog or run at a moderate pace

- Elderly gymnastics

- Swim


4. Regular health checks

Regular health check-ups are one way to monitor your body's health. Health check benefits:

- Knowing your own health condition

- Recognize abnormalities early

- Treat as soon as possible when found a disease

- Obtain information about what should, what is not and how to do it.
