#penyakitdalam, penyakitdalamsolo, dokterspesialispenyakitdalam, germas, lansiasehat, pra lansia, pola hidup sehat, tipskesehatan, tips kesehatan

Healthy, Productive, and Independent Elderly with Germas

The healthy living community movement, also known as Germas, is a culture of healthy living that is carried out regularly and abandons unhealthy habits and behavior in society. The definition of an elderly person is someone who has reached the age of 60 years or more. Meanwhile, pre-elderly is someone who is about to enter old age (45-59 years).


The things that elderly people need to pay attention to are as follows:
1. Recognize changes in the elderly
- Decreased body strength
Examples: Tired easily, wrinkled skin, loose/loose teeth, reduced saliva
- Decreased memory
Examples: Easily forgetful, not feeling thirsty, reduced appetite, reduced need for hours of sleep
- Reduced hearing/vision
-    Balance disorders
Example: Easy to fall
- Decreased immunity
Example: Easy infection
- Indigestion is more common
Example: Easy diarrhea, constipation, bloating


2. Preparing yourself to enter the elderly or pre-elderly period
- Accept it as a natural process
- Increase patience, think positively and optimistically, and increase self-confidence, for example by carrying out activities/work that suit your abilities
- Remain faithful to your legal partner, and improve harmonious relationships within the family, friendships and participation in the community
- Prepare funds for living expenses and health insurance, (BPJS Health or other insurance)
- Improve health by implementing PHBS (Clean and Healthy Living Behavior), and eating with balanced nutrition


3. Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) for the Elderly/Pre-Elderly
- Get closer to God Almighty
- Carry out regular health checks, for example at least once a year. For early detection of chronic diseases, and use medication as recommended by health workers
- Balanced nutrition/diet management
Example: Eat a variety of foods, diet according to recommended needs according to health conditions including sources of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, eat lots of vegetables and fruit, have lots of food sources of calcium, drink enough water at least 2 liters (8 glasses). ) per day


4. Maintain regular body hygiene
- Shower twice a day with bath soap, and wear comfortable and safe clothing and footwear


5. Maintain dental and oral hygiene
- Brushing your teeth twice a day, if you wear dentures, remove them and clean them every day

6. Get used to doing it
- Doing physical activities such as: walking, sweeping, washing
- Physical exercise (gymnastics, walking, swimming, etc.) At least 30 minutes a day 3 times a week

7. Stay away from cigarette smoke and other addictive substances (no smoking, alcohol, marijuana)

8. Develop hobbies according to your abilities
Examples: Arranging flowers/gardening, painting, cooking, knitting, doing safe and comfortable recreation (travelling, watching films, etc.)

9. Get enough rest and manage stress well

10. Continue doing brain sharpening activities
Examples: Playing chess, completing crossword puzzles, reading books, dancing, playing music, telling stories, socializing, etc


The following are health problems that can occur in the elderly and pre-elderly, namely:
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
- Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)
- Bone loss (Osteoporosis)


Friends of Hermina, so in general the goal of Germas is to live a healthier life. Because a healthy lifestyle will provide many benefits, from improving the quality of health to increasing one's productivity. If Friends of Hermina have complaints about health problems for the elderly/pre-elderly, immediately consult a specialist in internal medicine at RSU Hermina Solo.
