
What Foods Can Cause Gout?

Hello, friend of Hermina Bitung, do you know that gout is no longer a disease experienced by the elderly, it turns out that children also experience gout because they consume foods that contain lots of purines. Previously, what is uric acid? Uric acid is a waste substance produced by the body after digesting certain foods.

What is Uric Acid?

Uric acid comes from the breakdown of purine compounds. Purines are compounds that enter the blood when the body digests food or when the body breaks down cells normally. The kidneys are in charge of filtering uric acid in the blood and removing it from the body through urine. Well, the uric acid content can be too high if the body produces too much of this substance or the body does not excrete the waste as it should.

What Foods Cause Gout?

An important point that Hermina Bitung's best friend must know, what foods can increase purines, let's find out, namely:

1. Red meat

One of the list of high-purine foods is red meat. As for the types of red meat, namely beef, mutton, lamb, buffalo meat, and horse meat, where this type of animal meat is a high-purine food list and can cause gout. In addition to this meat, goose and duck meat are also included in the type of red meat. That is why this type of meat also needs to be avoided by gout sufferers.

2. Offal

There are various types of offal that can cause gout, such as intestine, liver, spleen, lung, brain, heart and kidney. Several types of animal innards are only one of many lists of foods high in purines that cause gout.

3. Seafood

Apart from land animals, the list of high-purine foods can come from animals that live in the sea. There are several seafoods that contain purines, some of which are shrimp, crab, mussels, oysters and squid. However, there are not only types of fresh seafood, there are also types of canned seafood that contain quite high purines, such as sardines and other canned fish.

4. Melinjaou leaves

Melinjau leaves are quite typical that we often encounter, namely in emping crackers, it turns out that they have high purine levels.

Apart from foods that are high in purines, what you should avoid are lifestyle changes that are believed to help reduce the risk of gout, namely:

1. Drink lots of water to help the kidneys function better and avoid dehydration.

2. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. This is because extra weight increases uric acid in the body and puts more pressure on joints.

3. Avoiding the use of certain drugs. For example, such as drugs that are diuretic or immunosuppressant.

4. Limit consumption of foods and drinks that contain high purine substances. For example, such as red meat, alcoholic beverages, to high-fructose foods and drinks.

5. Consume healthy foods such as vegetables and fruit that have high antioxidants.

Come on, check your uric acid health early and take care of our health together

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