obgyn, makanan

Balanced Food for Pregnant Women

Balanced Food for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is an important period for optimal fetal growth and preparation for childbirth. Addition of nutrients to a balanced diet for pregnant women can be started before conception. The First 1000 Days of Life is a period of 270 days in the womb until the child is 2 years old, with the calculation: (9x30 days) = 270 days, plus the first year of birth (365 days) and the second year of birth (365).

If the baby's weight is LBW (Low Birth Weight), then it will be at risk of developing degenerative diseases. Malnutrition will have negative effects such as stunted fetal growth, defects, miscarriage, premature birth. LBW is caused by the mother's nutrient reserves not being sufficient for the growth and development of the fetus in the womb and the health of the pregnant woman. Excess nutrition will also have an impact on the health of pregnant women which can cause metabolic diseases and postpartum infections.

Physiology of Pregnancy

Trimester I

1. Formation of hyperblastic and hypertrophic cells in the fetus

2. Most organs have formed and are moving

3. Malnutrition will have a long-term effect, abortion

4. Mothers often experience nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is recommended to consume nutritious foods

Trimester II

1. Fetal development begins to look like a baby

2. Negative effects are not as bad as trimester I

Trimester III

1. This trimester is the critical period for fetal growth

2. The fetus grows rapidly

3. Cells experience hypertrophy and maturation

4. Nutritional status of pregnant women

Weight before pregnancy

Body Mass Index/BMI (18.5 – 22.9)

Weight gain during pregnancy

Upper Arm Circumference/LILA (≥ 22)

In general, 40% of pregnant women fail to meet balanced nutrition. For nutrition, in principle it is the same as when not pregnant. However, the consumption of food by pregnant women must pay attention to the amount and quality of nutrition that is increased. Pregnant women should eat smaller portions and more often, especially in the first trimester because they usually still experience nausea and vomiting.

A balanced diet for pregnant women for one meal should include carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals with 2000 - 2400 kcal / day of energy. Balanced nutrition is a daily diet that contains nutrients in the amount and type that suits the body's needs.

Examples of balanced nutrition are carbohydrates (3-8 servings), vegetables (2-3 servings), protein sources (2-3 servings), animal protein sources (2-3 servings), fruit (3-5 servings), salt, sugar, fat and oil (limited). Signs of a good pregnancy if the normal gestational age is at least 37 weeks, the pregnant woman experiences weight gain during pregnancy. The normal birth weight of a baby is around 2.5 kg - 4 kg.

Physiological disorders that often occur in pregnant women are usually:


Usually pregnant women experience cravings due to hormonal changes and are more sensitive to smells and tastes

Nausea and vomiting

Usually occurs in the first trimester and occurs in the morning (morning sickness). Avoid fatty and overly spicy foods and it is better to consume fresh foods in small portions but often

Oedema/Swelling of the limbs due to fluid accumulation

To reduce edema, you can reduce salt, elevate your feet while sleeping with pillows


Provision of Fe/iron and consuming foods that are sources of Fe/iron

Diabetes mellitus

Can cause the fetus to be large and at risk of experiencing difficult labor, risk of hypoglycemia

Gestational hypertension

This risk is high if the mother is ˂17 years old or ˃35 years old, has been pregnant frequently, has a history of hypertension or consumes an unbalanced diet

A balanced diet is very necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for the fetus being carried. By providing adequate nutrition, pregnant women are healthy and the fetus can grow well. Do not hesitate to visit the hospital and consult a doctor so that the health of the mother and baby can be maintained.



